Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been an ebay business seller for over 10 years and have to say I am beginning to despair - sales are down and worse still they seem to have taken a nosedive since the no fees for private sellers was introduced. I really don't know what to do. Every time I go list a new item I search for comparables and every time there are 'private' sellers selling the same items (clothing brand new with tags) . It is driving me absolutely nuts. Is there a correct way to report these sellers and will anything be done if I do?? It seems so unfair that my ebay selling costs are spiralling even though sales are down - these people don't even have to accept returns. GGRRRRRRRR - sorry, rant over now but it really is driving me mad, especially seeing as ebay don't seem to care - just fleecing us business sellers for more and more cash. 

Message 1 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately ebay do not want to listen to members instead they interpret so called policies to suit themselves which to some extent is understandable but in this instance it appears on the outside to be a total disregard for their own policies.


Genuine private sellers must be just as fed up with the sheer volume of businesses competing in the private sector if only for lack of visibility. 


Business sellers are obviously fed up for the reasons quoted time and time again. 


Buyers are becoming confused and disillusioned with ebay's lack of support for them when problems occur with private business sales and genuine private sellers are being tarnished with the same brush.


I can see no solution without a unified effort from all small and medium genuine business and private sellers .


ebay is becoming once again a place for counterfeit items, poor service and dodgy sellers - maybe this is where ebay feel the most comfortable ?



Message 41 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

@moldosgifts I completely agree with no1.  New should be preserved for new items with the same customer service offering of buying off a business seller.

One account per IP wouldn't work for my family.  My middle two late teens now have eBay business accounts and I don't see them moving out for a few years.

Message 42 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

Fed up Business sellers will be moving their listings on to private accounts


New business sellers signing up on private accounts because it is free to sell


Exactly !


And everyone here seems so outraged about it......yet we are the mugs who are still here paying eBay full whack in fees while others are getting it all for free.



Message 43 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

@dch2112011 wrote:

Indeed false private accounts are the scourge of both business and personal sellers, a united front should be shown to ebay. 


Business members should embrace personal members selling on ebay - these members indeed buy on ebay - the false businesses are less likely to do so.



Well said 100% agree, especially as I buy and sell on both…!

Message 44 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

I am same as you, I sell mostly vintage clothes and it is so hard just now, how can we compete and I dont think they listen to reports as there was a message from someone saying they were banned from reporting sellers.


If they introduce buyers have to pay a fee for businesses as well as private sellers that will be the final blow - Ebay is the loser at the end of the day as they are missing out on fees.....

Message 45 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

They could put them off registering as a business.


Do you mean to  put them off registering as private? As I am confused by your suggestions that would deter to register as a business. Do you mean register as private? Or have I misunderstood? 


By 1 removing the ability to list as brand new, because if your private and selling your own property it is NOT new it is preowned or like new.

Private sellers are restricted and can not use the term as new or like new in listings - many private sellers can sell brand new unopened gifts as well as pre-owned. This is allowed. Many now use A.I for descriptions which does not give the full condition of items and is frustrating especially to those who take the time using their own words to describe so that the potential buyer knows exactly what they are getting. 


2 by removing the ability to sell multiples , so when creating the listing they can only list 1 of instead of 50 of.

I have only ever seen a private seller ( genuine) list 2 of the same as a pair or say 3 eggcups -  I think you are referring to those who are actually a business using private as a cover for their multiple  sales? 


3. 1 account type per address/IP ie one private and 1 business .

Like i said before i am not a techy but i would have thought al those can be added to private account very easily.

That would cut out the new item resellers. Second hand restrict them to 100 per month all listing renew every 30 days same as businesses.


I am not sure as no tech myself but I do think IP addresses are monitored. Being a private seller the max I have ever listed is 31 items ( many of these re-listed numerous times so add to the total ) There is no way I could use  300 or even 100 or 50 listings per month, so it is obvious that those doing so are running their account in a business format. This is something that eBay themselves need to address and separate the wheat from the chaff , so to speak. 


On a side note - as a private seller even now with free to sell  my sales have not changed, they have actually become worse (  albeit today I have sold one item, a pre-loved travel hairdryer) ... even when it was free to sell in the clothes category I did not  suddenly have over 50 jumpers to offer  so it was of no benefit to me... and  yet many, many clothes sellers suddenly appeared with an array of stock. 


I also purchase packaging materials ( bubble wrap, tissue, packing peanuts, tape ,boxes etc etc) as I like to send an item well protected and nice to receive,  and offer free postage on many items and do. not pss this on to potential buyers.  I have had countless times where I have purchased something  not just from private sellers but  business sellers,  only to have that item arrive in a black plastic bin bag or even a Tesco carrier bag!  Most often damaged due to that lack of thought or care.  There are many true private sellers who do take care and perhaps send a  little note of thanks or even a little gift of appreciation.  On the other side I have purchased my packaging from mostly the same one or two business  sellers and they remember me , no matter my orders are small, and that is a lovely touch and so I always seek them out to re-purchase.  


Way back many sellers were charging extortionate fees for postage - eBay introduced a fee deduction  on all postage costs across the board ( even those who charge flat rate) to deter this and for the most part it has although I do see on occasion some trying their luck particularly on 99p start bids. But they penalised those who never took advantage. 


  I think we need to be careful what we wish for and determine that these " business" private sellers are using the platform incorrectly at best and try to not be discriminatory at genuine private sellers by lumping them in the same basket. 

I know some of what I have written is off topic - just some thoughts to be considered. 


Edited - spelling. 

Message 46 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Private i was doing 5 things at the same time.

An unopened gift is still used by the receiver whether opened or not it is not brand new, brand new can only be sold by the retailer.

A private account should not allowed to sell 10 of a single item if it is indeed preowned it should be 1 and 1 only if it a set of egg cups it is still  1

Obviously from my point of view i am speaking of the many pin badge sellers who have 150 to 3000 listing all new and all with 10+ available of each listing.

Other sellers monitor different areas, and if your genuinely private I'm not looking at you, but businesses using private accounts are so obvious, not only are the avoiding eBay fees they are avoiding their obligations under uk consumer law.


Message 47 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

EBay needs to step in and sort this, not just for genuine business sellers ( and private) but for their platform or there will not be one left to do any sort of business other than perhaps from China? ...Do eBay agents  read these posts and feed back to the relevant " person/department?" 

Message 48 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think putting limits on private seller accounts should be the solution to try and stop this, it just penalises those who are genuine. 


There are so many obvious business sellers with their thousands of brand new items still selling on private accounts, if we can find them eBay can, why are we not seeing more being made to upgrade their accounts?


My honest opinion is all the we will pass your feedback on, we know how frustrating it is, stuff is happening in the background blah blah blah is utter tosh, if they wanted to get on top of this the first thing they would do is make the reporting system fit for purpose and have humans look at it.


And everyone here seems so outraged about it......yet we are the mugs who are still here paying eBay full whack in fees while others are getting it all for free.


I'm no longer outraged, I have given up. 


I will close my shop next month and if no change by January then I see no point in reopening. 


It is hard enough getting sales, without having to compete against those who can sell cheaper as they are paying no fees. 


In the handmade and personalise category I sell in nobody should have a private account, but apparently it is okay as they maybe hobby sellers 




Message 49 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

@ojewellery wrote:

@moldosgifts I completely agree with no1.  New should be preserved for new items with the same customer service offering of buying off a business seller.

One account per IP wouldn't work for my family.  My middle two late teens now have eBay business accounts and I don't see them moving out for a few years.


One/two accounts per National Insurance number? 

Message 50 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

One/two accounts per National Insurance number? 


Works for me 😂

Message 51 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

Understood, multi-tasking at its finest , I can be the same .


I have to disagree on a new unopened gift... these can be sold and explained in the listing.  As long as it's not 50 of them, as previously discussed and what appears business sellers are doing by using private selling accounts to avoid fees.  Even when reporting ( which you have to do under the report item) I get the " not violating etc" which completely frustrates me. Do genuine humans do this or is it tech again? Although a  new seller with a page full of branded  perfumes with what appeared to be same details as another seller  was removed just two days ago, so perhaps that is a start? 


Ebay really started off by people selling their unwanted items whether new or used.. restrictions , more policies followed over the years.  So these " business private accounts" ARE breaking eBay policies etc so why are eBay not taking control and initiating removing them or at least reassuring true business sellers that they have things in place to do so? Unless these new "accounts"  are using the promoted listings and so eBay are making money?





Message 52 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just seen a so called "Private seller", with 15,000 items listed. Why is this not being flagged up by Ebay?

Message 53 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi @vintique*violet 

I do appreciate your comments.

I no longer report these incorrectly registered sellers, it’s eBay’s job to police their site.

Have you read of one of the weekly  community chat threads ? Today’s was a typical example of the frustration many business sellers are feeling. 

All these questions are asked repeatedly, and requests for department representatives to come and hold an open chat, unfortunately the community team are pretty much restricted in their responses.


I’m just muddling through after an awful year on many levels. See what 2025 has to offer!





Message 54 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

Awe thank you and yours and everyones here really... No I have not , where do I find these ? - I have barely used the " community" but with all the changes, and feeling that something was amiss, decided to  come on here more regularly to see what is happening and learn etc... 


I am thinking of doing the same - refraining  from reporting as many even though blatantly are business sellers or selling something which is prohibited due to eBay policies many get " no violating policies etc" and they absolutely are! 


One bug bear is used perfumes and cosmetics  - a no no apparently BUT 10,000's on here and yet 7  of my reports have resulted  in a no violation... Clearly used , half bottle, used twice , 20% left etc with pictures  yet the listings have remained for sale...It really is confusing and makes you wonder... Even those decanting perfumes have remained, so what is really going on. eBay ask for our help, but do not act on it correctly.  do not have the time or energy to report or to speak with eBay and ask the reasons why they remain as mainly the customer service rep is bewildered also. It must be A.I.  ( they deny this) and people are getting around it somehow? I have to admit I knew about used cosmetics but not perfumes until a couple of months ago, how different is this than a used pair of socks? Which is worse ? Okay you can wash the socks , perfumes have alcohol so are somewhat self sanitising and usually. spray anyhow so nothing is " contaminated" ... to top it off, counterfeit perfumes are awash on eBay yet still they remain even with accounts showing negative feedback warning others... 

It is a minefield ... mind boggling and makes me not to want to be a  good " community " member to help eBay when they are not listening to even more serious issues.


Okay rant over 😉


Stay strong and keep on keeping on - something has to break and let's hope it is in favour of those who do conduct their accounts either private or business with integrity.  



Message 55 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

... gave me healthier profits than a race to the bottom.

Thanks for the advice @ojewellery , but it isn't a race to the bottom.  The bizarre aspect of this is that the 'private' seller is charging more than me, in some cases considerably more!  However, sales on the 'private' listing are brisk, double-digit buyers have an item in their basket (it's MV) and the listing proclaims 'This one's trending'.

On another post, a seller posited that buyers would prefer to buy from a business seller because they would be seen as more reliable.  My counter-argument was that business sellers could be seen as money-hungry capitalists, whereas a private seller was just trying to make a few quid from a side hustle to buy Xmas presents and help granny with her energy bill.  The buyer may feel more favourable towards the private seller, because the private seller was just a little person like them.

Maybe I should create a private account with a whimsical name like mum-of-five, and an avatar of a fluffy cat (or maybe Tiny Tim) and list my stuff.  If it flies off the shelf, my theory is proven!



Message 56 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

@bojangled wrote:

Have you read of one of the weekly  community chat threads ? Today’s was a typical example of the frustration many business sellers are feeling. 

Amazed there are no weekly chat team memes doing the rounds yet, with the amount 

of copy and paste answers we get every week. Have a few picture memes in mind 

I could come up with.  But have a feeling they would be removed a bit quicker than 

a private seller with 2000 pairs of unwanted Christmas present Nike`s for sale.

Astronomy is looking up
Message 57 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

I just feel like I am the mug here - I'm paying thousands of pounds to ebay each year for no real benefits. The businesses that choose to operate as private are not having to pay - simple as. 

Message 58 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

My market place has already been almost destroyed by ebay over the past few years.  As a coin seller observed in their niche the top sellers have all long-gone (no point trying to get a decent price for a high price rarity when ebay is pushing cheap but quicker selling items in front of buyers).  Collectors have mostly gone now as well, fed-up trying to winnow anything to buy out of mountains of irrelevant 'results' with all too often useless IS filters.


You may have read some of my moans about the non-buying watchers I get on every item, just waiting for fire-sale offers to drop into their in-boxes.  These re-selling businesses know little or nothing about vintage glass, except prices.  The wreckage of my market is full of mis-categorised, wrongly attributed pieces too often accompanied by an A.I description (if they can be bothered to even use that) full of nonsense and factually incorrect blather.  I know a bit about what I'm trying to sell and they're laughable to read.  It certainly doesn't inspire any confidence in the item or the seller.  


It's not so obvious in a vintage category as in new goods category, but when this topic first became 'hot' I had some difficulty finding a few businesses using private accounts.  The first had two private accounts, to get more FVF offers, but used the same distinctive garden wall in their photos for both and in their profile page told prospective buyers about how long they'd been a business "until the fees got too high so they opened their private accounts".  These days, if there is something distinctive about an item, it's far easier to watch it pass from dealer to dealer on private accounts.


Yes, I'm sure that ebay restricted my sales to twist my arm to give the PL fees but I buy hardly anything on ebay now and can see why others avoid it, with standards so low and unreliable.  I think I've stopped trying to sell on ebay now.   After a disappointing year (almost) with four sales it seems pointless to go on listing even one item a week.  No-one sees them without playing hunt the needle in the haystack and does anyone believe my photos and description if they do ?? 

Message 59 of 80
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Re: Businesses masquerading as private seem to be on the increase!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to disagree with you that a private account should not be able to sell more than one of an item.


Back in the days before the internet and I was reliant on what glass I could find locally, how many sets did I find one or two of, keeping them in the hope of finding more?  I could well have one 'set' of five egg-cups (not six as it should be) collected over ten years.


Although it might seem strange but the more common those egg-cups might be, the more difficult it can be to get a decently matched set.


Some designs were made by the million over decades, but the moulds wore out and new ones hand-crafted each being slightly different.  Even the colouring changed over time as sources and composition changed.  (Have a look at 'Grantham' vases for sale on ebay, most look very much the same on a screen but it took me several years and at least 5 attempts, to get an acceptable matching pair even using ebay.)


Most 'sets' will be slightly mis-matched, five is not a good number to try and sell and from experience it is better to sell five single egg-cups, if only to avoid the possibility of INAD cases.  Also many buyers are only looking for one or two, to complete their own set.


But again, I think it comes down to how many duplicates a private seller is selling.  On another site I have about 200 items for sale, of which about 180 are one-off items a minority are part-sets where I might have several items but never found any more.  If I was trading I would guess that buying part-sets cheaply and selling on each individual piece to maximise profit would make up a significant proportion of my 'stock'.

Message 60 of 80
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