And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...


I 've just packed a heavy item and put the box on the kitchen chair to take the weight while packing. Putting part of the box over the edge of the chair so I can wrap tape around it I found out that I have wrapped the cushion pad to the bottom of the box!

I hope you can have a laugh at my expense in these dismal times while having elevenses.

Message 1 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

Thankyou so much for the giggles 🤣😂😝

Message 2 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

Cheered me up reading that 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 3 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

That's nothing.  I superglued my hand to my jeans.  It was in pre-Google days, so I'd no idea what to use to release it.  Nail varnish remover?  Lavatory cleaner?  Tried everything.

I phoned people to ask for advice (that's what we did in pre-Google days) but all they did was laugh and suggest I went to A&E or the fire station.

Finally, I cut a hole in the jeans to release the hand.  Broke my heart to do it because the jeans fitted me a treat.

Had to go to the office with a piece of denim stuck to my hand.  More laughter.  

Message 4 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

🤣🤣 You win the SSA 🤣🤣

Message 5 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  An award!! 

I'll prepare an acceptance speech.  I've plenty of time on my hands today - not one order.  Two platforms and a website, yield - zippo.  However, FedEx have just delivered more stock for me to put away.  Don't you just love getting a delivery of stock on a day when you've no orders?  Really brightens things up.

Can I have an extra jewel on the award if I tell you that, when holding the nub of a loaf of bread, I sliced through my index finger and thumb?  I'm also banned from using the chain saw and power tools.

Message 6 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

Just stay in a padded room and don't touch anything!

I woke up to a few orders today ( sorry) but not packing on a chair. I am also dealing with endless phone calls to PF who have sent two parcels to the wrong place, either ends of the country when the postcodes were clearly written on the box ( labels to be put on at the depot) . That's what you get when they employ casuals this time of year! So it's not all fun selling. Enjoy the peace before the rush comes......

Message 7 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

The rush has just started.  One order.  £4.60.

I hope PF recover your parcels.  Idiots.

Message 8 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

I was helping a friend pack a large book that was to be posted to Australia. After carefully packing it into an inner box, then sealing it into an outer box, the metal ruler that had been used to cut the postage label to size could not be found... looked everywhere, then finally no choice but to undo the lovely sealed boxes... ruler was then spotted on the floor, disguising itself along the bottom edge of a fitted cupboard...🙄

Message 9 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

I would have left the ruler in the box, then messaged the buyer to say that I'd sent an exciting free gift with their purchase.

Interesting game to play with your friends when you've all had a few drinks - guess what the buyer said when they found out what the 'exciting' gift was. 

Message 10 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

Hmmm.  Second thoughts, didn't think this one through (haven't had my cuppa yet). 

The game is guess what the buyer messaged when they didn't find the gift.

Message 11 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

Yes, we did think perhaps it wouldn't have mattered if the parcel did end up being posted with the ruler, if it had been in there, but as it was a metal ruler, we didn't want to risk some sort of problem at customs in Australia...😳

I do wonder how many strange items have been packed into eBay parcels by mistake...😄

Message 12 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

A Fun thread at last . Back in the busy old days when we had a small unit and staff I was packing a large cushion order in the freezing cold loading bay so dressed accordingly complete with my new Beany hat parcel left and a few days later a message from customer to inform me that they had found the hat . 


Customer sent back hat and ordered again so all good . 




Message 13 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

Every business seller here trusting eBay would really look into their reports and actually do something about it! 😂

Message 14 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

The Wool Marketing Board used to publish a list of all the things they'd found among the fleeces in the wool sheets.  It was an extensive list, and it was difficult to fathom how some of the things  could have got there.

The sheep is sheared, fleece rolled, it goes into the sheet (a very large bag).  How does a tyre get in there?  

Message 15 of 16
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And Today's Stupid Seller Award Goes To...

The only unexpected thing I can remember getting in an eBay parcel was a dead spider... mostly a selection of its legs... quite big ones... scream 

They were in the folds of some tissue paper in the bottom of a box of shoes. Don't have nightmares...

Message 16 of 16
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