Meet Hannah Daragon, founder and self-proclaimed ‘Chief Mischief Maker’ at Hannah’s Games. A teacher by trade, Hannah started running her online party games business full-time in 2016 when she felt she had to choose between motherhood and her career. Now, she runs a thriving business on eBay selling games for every occasion you can think of – birthdays, Christmas, and even Eurovision – all from her home in Devon.


Get to know Hannah in her own words below (and check out her eBay Shop). Hannah will also be joining our seller panels at eBay Open UK. So be sure to say hello if you’re joining us in either Manchester (14 September) or London (21 September).



How did your journey as a business on eBay begin?


I first started selling on eBay when I was still a teacher, initially selling my teaching resources as digital downloads for a bit of fun. I started to dabble in selling party games when I fell ill and had to have a lot of time off work. It was at a time in my life when we were invited to a lot of parties - from hen dos, to baby showers or girls’ night parties. Every time I went to a party I would turn up with a game. Then, when I was recovering from a major surgery, I had the idea to start selling my games on eBay. Every game I made I created completely by hand.


Once I was back to full health I went back to my job as a teacher and had my son not too long after. From there, I quickly realised my teaching career was at a tipping point, when I asked for part-time hours and was told you can’t be a leader and a mum. I was expected to take a demotion - so instead I walked out, focused fully on starting my business on eBay, and haven’t looked back. That was in 2016, and since then Hannah’s Games has only gone from strength to strength.


Why did you choose eBay?


The main reason I started on eBay is because anyone can start on eBay. There are no barriers - every single person can start a small business. It’s even easier to do now than it was back when I was starting out. Nowadays, everyone’s got a phone with a camera and apps on it. This means it’s much easier to get products to market now, as well as the ability to keep an eye on the health of your business whilst on the go.


Like me, so many people fall into it - they don’t set out to become businessmen or women, but the scale of the opportunity and the enjoyment pulls them in.


What do you love most about selling on eBay?


I love selling on eBay because it enables me to work when I want to work - and I really enjoy that flexibility. I’m both a mother and a business owner, and I don’t have to choose between the two. I had a sick elderly relative earlier in the year and I was able to drive her to and from her hospital appointments because I’m able to move my work around my life, rather than the other way around. I get to drop my son to and from school every day, and can be a part of whatever I need to be with my family. It’s a misconception that selling is a passive income - I work very hard. But I can live my life and run my business by my priorities, not other people’s. That is priceless to me.




What do you like about in-person events like eBay Open?


I love going to eBay events and meeting up with the seller community as I always come away full of fresh ideas. It can be isolating at times being an eBay seller because you might not know people in your immediate locality. There’s loads of online messaging groups you can be a part of, but nothing compares to being able to put faces to names - old and new - in-person.


Going to events is one of the best ways you can be a part of a community, and I love going to them for the networking, although I hate calling it that, because really we’re all just friends that have a common interest. eBay was always a community first marketplace - that’s one of the things people forget, and one of the main ways eBay is different to other marketplaces. It’s a community of buyers and sellers, all choosing to do business with each other. That’s a powerful thing.


What tips would you give to other people looking to set up their own business?


My main piece of advice is to be ready to work hard. Be ready to take great accomplishment and great failure with the same view. Some days will be amazing and you’ll feel like your business is a resounding success - and some days you’ll feel the opposite. The truth is actually somewhere in the middle, but there’s something really thrilling and exciting about running your own business.


For more Seller Stories like Hannah’s and other top tips for selling on eBay, subscribe to our YouTube channel.