26 June, 2015 | 09:16AM BST

Effective immediately, we’re updating our offensive materials and prohibited items policy to prohibit the sale of Confederate battle flags and many items containing this image. We’re banning these items from all of our global sites.
We believe this image has become a contemporary symbol of divisiveness and racism. Our decision is consistent with our long-standing policy that prohibits the sale of items that promote or glorify hatred, violence and intolerance. This action isn’t expected to impact the listing and sale of authentic historical items – or other items of historical significance – from the American Civil War period.
Over the next few days, we’ll be removing listings of Confederate battle flags as well as those that contain this image. We’ll refund all insertion fees associated with such listings. This initial removal of listings won’t count as a policy violation against your account.
Going forward, we’ll also block new listings of Confederate battle flags, as well as items containing this image.
Thanks for your understanding and – as always – for selling with us.
Regards, The eBay Team
P.S. If you see a listing that violates one of our offensive materials and prohibited items policy, please report it by clicking Report item in the listing. If we determine that a listing is in violation, we’ll email the seller (and any bidders or the buyer) to let them know that we’ve removed the listing from our site.