13 August, 2014 | 11:31AM BST

We’re made some changes to the eBay.co.uk User Agreement and eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. These changes are effective immediately for new members and from 15 September 2014 for current members.
Here’s a summary:
eBay User Agreement
We’ve added new terms to cover the introduction of eBay Click & Collect as a delivery option. The terms explain that we will offer Click & Collect as a delivery option on eligible listings unless you opt out. You can find the additional terms and conditions that apply here.
• We’ve also added new terms relating to the Global Shipping Programme launching in September 2014. This programme may result in domestic UK listings being available to international buyers in eligible countries.
o Items located in the UK which are bought through the Global Shipping Programme should be posted to a shipping centre in the UK from where a third party will oversee the processing, customs clearance, and international postage of the item to the buyer.
o Buyers will pre-pay all applicable postage and import charges during checkout and will benefit from international tracking of the item from the shipping centre to delivery.
o You can choose to opt out of the programme at either a listing, country or account level.
o The Global Shipping Programme will be subject to additional terms and conditions.
eBay Money Back Guarantee policy
• Starting from September, we’re simplifying the after-sale experience for buyers and sellers. We’ll start guiding buyers through a consistent flow when they have a question or problem with their purchase, regardless of who they buy from.
• Many of our sellers have already started using eBay Managed Returns and are paying for return postage on faulty or not as described items. Starting from September 15, we will introduce requirements that all sellers take responsibility for return postage on items which are faulty or not as described. If sellers choose not to facilitate a return or provide/fund return postage for these items, we may refund their buyers without requiring them to return the item and in turn we will seek reimbursement from sellers.
• We’re updating and improving the language in our flows and this has also been reflected in the wording of our policy.
• When sellers offer extended return timeframes which are longer than the standard eBay Money Back Guarantee protection window, eligibility will be extended to protect these returns when sellers don’t refund buyers in accordance with their return policy.
You don’t need to do anything. If you choose not to accept the new terms, visit this help page for further information.
The eBay Team