Why oh why oh why oh why

Why the smeg is it that every single (or married) news reader reports these Islamic State deviates as "So called"rather than just using there name

Surely there must be some reason for it.

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Why oh why oh why oh why

Because it isn't officially recognised as a 'state' 

Message 2 of 9
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Why oh why oh why oh why

Maybe because Isis have delusions of grandeur, Stevie by calling themselves an actual 'state' and I'm glad the media are refusing to buy in to it!

I already think that these people are given way too much coverage by the press and I despise the fact that some of them are being romanticised with catchy titles like The White Widow and Jihadi John etc.

Personally I think they should just be referred to by what they really are, psycopaths!

Saying that, I have noticed that Iraq is being referred to as 'The Islamic State of Iraq' in news stories. Is that the official name I wonder? And is the name linked to Isis?

Message 3 of 9
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Why oh why oh why oh why

I think they originally called themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Lebanon, hence the prevoius acronym ISIL. Now it seems to be Iraq and Syria they are concentrating on hence ISIS.


Either way they are not a legitimate state and quite rightly shouldn't be recognised as such as that would tend to give them credence or a kind of twisted legitimacy.


Don't quote me on this, perhaps ISIL and ISIS are completely different entities, either way they are terrorists nothing more. 

Message 4 of 9
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Why oh why oh why oh why

Mainly because the BBC and other media types have to display a level of so called "political correctness" so as not to offend various guests in the UK. Next!

Message 5 of 9
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Why oh why oh why oh why

Don't quote me on this, perhaps ISIL and ISIS are completely different entities

No I think you're right, JD they are both the same.

I used to think ISIS were just the Taliban with new branding but evidently not..

.. and even though they both share a mutual hatred of the west, they've apparantly declared Jihad on each other LOL LOL LOL

What a bunch of crazies!!

Message 6 of 9
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Why oh why oh why oh why

IS, ISIS and ISIL all refer to the same jihadist group, it’s just those outside that refer to them with different acronyms.

ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, sometimes referred to in the West as Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

ISIL stands for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (a bigger area of the Eastern Mediterranean including Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine)

According to the BBC it was the translation of al-Sham that raised inconsistencies. At first, news outlets were unsure how to translate it into English, as it was not immediately clear what the group was actually referring to. Al-Sham can be translated variously as "the Levant", "Greater Syria", "Syria" or even "Damascus".

The jihadist group’s goal is to restore an Islamic State, or caliphate in the region that includes Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Obama’s administration thinks ISIL is more accurate so Cameron followed suit.

The French call them Daesh

This link sums up the different acronyms:

All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 7 of 9
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Why oh why oh why oh why

I couldn't get your link to open but thanks anyway for clearing that up. Smiley Happy

Message 8 of 9
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Why oh why oh why oh why

Excellent link, Suzie thanks

I found this one aswell:


Well done to the French!!

And as for the BBC:

"Last week the head of the BBC rejected calls to drop the use of the term ‘Islamic State’ in reports, saying that the BBC must be fair to Isis in its coverage of the terrorist group."


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