Why are so many middle-aged men committing suicide?

I recently attended a meeting at the local University, During this the topic turned to the growing problem of Male suicide. I was shocked to learn that the ratio of male to female suicide had reached 4:1 and that there was an alarming increase in men aged between 44 and 59. Those figures were from 2013 since then the upward trend has continued. Seemingly the bulk of cases have at some time suffered from depressive illness and or accute anxiety. What do you think is causing this change? when we are supposedly better off than ever living longer and having free health care what drives peolpe to despair so much that their only means of dealing with it is to take their own life.

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Re: Why are so many middle-aged men committing suicide?

Hi Caution, I note you say made to feel like they have failed, that is a definate no no as far as I am concerned, Trouble is that regardless of our ability to avoid that happening a true depressive will almost certainly treat it as a failure because of the negativity depression brings. CBT has many forms and can be introduced to support and chip away at the constant darkness many are subjected to. As I pointed out if successful then a sufferer can move on and start other more demanding therapies of which Mindfulness is one.

As it stands there are many forms of mental illness and more and more people suffering. For some changes within their workplace would be sufficient, Managers with people skills rather than a gift for cliches would be a good start. 

I believe in therapies that work and if they do for some then hopefully others will get better treatment than they do at present.

Message 41 of 44
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Re: Why are so many middle-aged men committing suicide?

Depression often brings negativity from society at large, as well as from inside.  Some talk-therapy professionals can add to this by believing their way is the only one. 

Message 42 of 44
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Re: Why are so many middle-aged men committing suicide?

That's bad to hear and certainly not something I am aware of. The professionals I know locally are very careful about selection for advanced therapy, you have to have some ability to manage your depression and therefore to challenge it that takes time and planning, you hve to knw how to block thoughts and to challenge others.

Problems are everywhere with mental health, stigma, preconceptions need to be tackled head on, Hopefully things will improve.

Message 43 of 44
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Re: Why are so many middle-aged men committing suicide?

It's the people in Third-World countries who are making us depressed, by their incompetence, and coming here to attack us.

Message 44 of 44
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