Trouble brewing?

Two outsourcing companies, Sodexo and Interserve, are to be put in charge of more than half of probation services in England and Wales under the most far-reaching privatisation in the criminal justice system.

Paul McDowell, the chief inspector of probation, is at the centre of a row following the disclosure that his wife is the deputy managing director of a private justice company that this week won the largest number of contracts to run probation services in England and Wales.

I suppose if things go badly wrong we can always cancel their contract,can't we?
"The Commons public accounts committee has established that the contracts included a £300m plus “poison pill” clause guaranteeing bidders their expected profits if the 10-year contracts were cancelled after the general election"
Ah well,what could possibly go wrong?

We are many,They are few
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Re: Trouble brewing?

Modern Tory Party


All brought up with a love affair of US Republican policies,even though in the states they have mostly been expensive failures in either monetery terms or in the lost of those services to large parts of the populace.


Tear apart public services and hand them to private firms at any cost

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Re: Trouble brewing?

Oh so no conflict of interest there from Mr McDowell and her indoors?
And of course the government dept dishing out all the deals had no idea either....
They are all corrupt.Plenty of nice new houses and holidays in far away destinations once again for the boys.Smiley Mad

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