There will NOT be 6 days of Darkness in December

This is sweeping the Net and it's a Hoax


HOAX - 'NASA Confirms 6 Days of Total Darkness'



A circulating report claims that NASA has confirmed that Earth will experience 6 days of total darkness between the 16th and the 22nd of December due to a solar storm.



Brief Analysis

The claims in the report are fanciful nonsense. NASA certainly has not confirmed the supposed 6 days of darkness. No such event will occur. The story comes via the fake-news 'satirical' site Huzlers. And Huzlers apparently adapted the fake story from an earlier hoax that claimed that there was to be a three-day blackout in December.


Message 1 of 25
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Re: There will NOT be 6 days of Darkness in December

I take it you won't be ordering my book then!  Smiley LOLSmiley LOL


My, I wish I was as clever as you.  Smiley Happy

Message 21 of 25
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Re: There will NOT be 6 days of Darkness in December

@5129frederick wrote:

Awsome,  isn't it - 92,000,000 away, and so perfectly balanced.  It's been scientifically proven if we had a major wobble and drifed just just ten miles closer to the sun, the additional head generated would dry up everything on the planet and we'd all perish - ten miles the other way and no crops would grow and we'd all perish.  The world isn't perfect - it does wobble occasionally but not enough to effect us globally.   But  of course it all happened naturally.  The "Big Bang" theory.  I have my own theories..  And yet the amazing thing is the sun is burning itself up and getting smaller by a mind-boggling 4,000,000 tons per second!

  I love astronomy,  One of the most eminant scientists was a deeply religious man.  he said he just loved diagnosing God's world.

Well I hope we do move 10 miles nearer... I will look forward to the additional head...


Ignore anything under this ^^^^^ line... It's just my signature....
Message 22 of 25
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Re: There will NOT be 6 days of Darkness in December

Most people believe strongly in a just legal system, in order for that system to work and have credibility; ALL the events must be based on fact and be substantiated by logic, proof and corroborative evidence. However, despite them wishing to live by this system; they are prepared to have a Religion that doesn't need to be explained by any of these requirements. As far as I'm concerned, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else, a person can believe in what they like; but please let's not try and justify it as being established in fact. Religion, in it's purest and benign form, is a light for those that are scared of the more.........and no less.

Message 23 of 25
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Re: There will NOT be 6 days of Darkness in December

Point taken.  I respect your views.


Somebody once challenged me and asked me how I'd feel if this God thing turned out absolute bunkom - my choice of word - his was rather more forcefulSmiley Very Happy  I thought about it for a few minutes and replied as honestly as I could:


"Then I'd be a winner either way.  As Christians we believe in a life after death.  We look forward to seeing first and foremost our Saviour who we believed died for our sins and will intercede on our behalf.  We also look forward to meeting up with those we loved and lost.  If having received this gift - for it is a gift - nobody has an automatic right to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we find eternal peace, than that is wonderful beyond words."  


"Now let's assume that you are born, you live and you die, you make your own Heaven or Hell, and that there is nothing beyond the grave - no meeting up with our Saviour, no making an account of your actions, no eternal punishment for murderers and rapists - absolutely nothing.  I'm still a winner.  Because if it is one glorious fairy tale that has been handed down from generation to generation to countless millions of people, since having recovered from a nervous breakdown in 2003 where I "found" God and the meaning of true salvation, I have never been happier or found my life more fulfilling than it is now."  So either way, I winSmiley Happy


Peace be with you, Fred. Smiley Happy

Message 24 of 25
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Re: There will NOT be 6 days of Darkness in December

"Then I'd be a winner either way.


Pascal's wager is well known and doesn't work, what if you have chosen the wrong god and you find yourself face to face with Zeus or Vishnu and they are a bit peeved?


Because if it is one glorious fairy tale that has been handed down from generation to generation to countless millions of people,


Argumentum ad populum doesn't work either, particularly where a religion has been spread by the sword, inserted into the old pagan religions, rigorously enforced by various means over the centuries and backed up with the threat of hellfire for non believers.


no eternal punishment for murderers and rapists - absolutely nothing.


But all such people have to do is accept Jesus as their Saviour just before they die and they go straight into Heaven, of course if their victims haven't done so no matter how good they might have been in their life, it's the Lake of Fire for them.


And don't forget you won't be expecting the Spanish Inquisition. Smiley Happy

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Message 25 of 25
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