Synagogue Deaths

Not even going to get into sides here, but personally I think Israel & Palestine should both have their own Country's and right to exist and be self governing. However, I fail to see what possible good ( or even what point was made ) by these two Palestinian Men; who killed 4 Israeli worshippers in a Synagogue today. What it will do, is cause Israel to take punitive action against Palestine / Gaza; which undoubtedly will result in the deaths of other Palestinians. I know the two Men, who carried out the attack, don't care who else's life they will have snuffed out, among their own people, in retribution for their actions ( because they themselves are already dead ).........but I find it depressing, that nobody thinks of Cause and Effect / Action and Reaction before they do anything anymore.

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Re: Synagogue Deaths

Try not to be depressed Evoman. It is an impossible situation, but I'm sure our esteemed Middle East Peace Envoy, Tony Blair will pop along and sort everything out. 😉
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Re: Synagogue Deaths

I have always been somewhat surprised when you get a situation where, for example, peace talks have been arranged between the two sides, one side commits an atrocity causing the talks to fail thus achieving the object of those who committed the atrocity.


Surely the right thing to do would be to carry on with the talks regardless and deny satisfaction to those who are against them.

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