Police pursuits?

I guess we've all heard about Police pusuits where the cops are following someone who fails to stop when the cops signal them to do so?


If the pursued crashes, who is at fault? The cops for chasing them or the one being pursued? What are the cops supposed to do if they're not supposed to chase after them? Just let them go?


Reason for asking is an investigation has just ended where a lad of 18 was killed when he crashed a moped after failing to stop for the cops. It seems the cops had good reaon to want to speak to him as he was found to have been carrying seven bags of skunk cannabis and several mobile phones. I suppose the conclusion could be drawn that he was dealing and the cannabis wasn't for personal use? The fact that he'd already been stopped and searched 71 times in the previous 3 years might also be a reason why he failed to stop?


Now, in such cases where a death has occurred, should the cops have to face a disciplinary hearing afterwards?


As far as friends and family are concerned it seems the cops were at fault for chasing him? The thing is, if he'd stopped, he might well have been convicted of dealing BUT, he'd still be alive?


What's your thoughts?



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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Re: Police pursuits?

The only reason a police chase should be abandoned is if there is a risk to other road users. I don't know what time of day this incident occurred but it's a very difficult call to make at any time of day. Judging by what was found on him, they had good reason to be pursuing him.


I think the investigation came to the correct conclusion.

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Re: Police pursuits?

I agree with both sentiments expressed however we are living in an age where liberal ideals demand transparency, this has stemmed from a growing concern about anyone in authority abusing their position, similar to those who constantly whine about people being privileged! There have to be checks and balances in society to avoid the kind of cover ups we have seen in the past be it Hillsboro or Steven Lawrence etc, but it does mean our police often have to work with one hand tied behind their backs and this liberal attitude puts the emphasis always on the police. We know that they know who many of the villains are it is a pity that we assist crooks in the way that we do however well meaning it may be. It is also a pity that the police have abused their authority in the past. Wish I knew the answer, what I do know is that when the chips are down our police are pretty good and most people get behind them! We need more transparency on the world of criminals, name and shame etc and support our police in doing an impossible job.
Message 3 of 4
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Re: Police pursuits?

Not necessarily a disciplinary hearing but some sort of debriefing seems reasonable. As far as I'm concerned "Failing to Stop" is good enough reason to pursue.
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