Now they decide to mention it........

........just in passing, like it wasn't important.


Mr. Schultz......head of the European Parliament, announces that any deal Mr. Cameron makes; has to be put to the European Parliament to be ratified and as a reporter said " you know how there's no way everybody in a parliament would agree, without wanting amendments here and there; or generally to tinker around with it "


The real clincher for me, was the fact that it now appears ( according to Mr. Schultz ) that these proposals won't be put in front of the EU Parliament; until AFTER the referendum. So we'll be voting on changes that Cameron says we've got, but that haven't been approved yet...........I'M SICK TO DEATH OF THESE " MUPPETS ".

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Re: Now they decide to mention it........

They told us it couldn't be ratified in time weeks ago, before negotiations happened.
Message 2 of 6
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Re: Now they decide to mention it........

Oh......I must have missed the small print then.......God, life's nothing but small print these days.  So, basically, we're voting on a Politicians promise.......well if my mind wasn't made is now.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Now they decide to mention it........

Voting on a politician's what else is new?
Message 4 of 6
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Re: Now they decide to mention it........

Well Cameron baby intimated, that once an agreement was accepted by all parties, ratification by the EU Parliament was a done deal.  However, Schultzy baby seems to think that they'd all say yes; but when it gets to the Parliament, they'll want to start altering it.  A cynic could say Cameron has asked them to say yes now, openly, so that he can get it through the referendum and then after " what the hell " they can do what they like.....because we'll be IN and he can plead that they'd reneged on their promise and he was the injured party..........NOT !!

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Now they decide to mention it........


We are many,They are few
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