14 things that are more popular than Ed Miliband



The latest opinion polls show that 13% of people say Ed Miliband is ready to be Prime Minister.


Other opinion polls show:


20% of people believe that UFOs have landed on earth

19% of people supported the Poll Tax in 1990

Journalists and bankers are trusted to tell the truth by only 21% of people, and estate agents get 24%


Smiley Frustrated



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Re: 14 things that are more popular than Ed Miliband

When 100 members of the general public were asked if they thought Ann Widdecombe could win a Miss World Contest, 99% thought she could, while the other 1% thought she probably would if she wore a brighter shade of Lippy.


When 100 members of the general public were asked if they thought that all of the contestants on 'X Factor' were just competing for a granny who had passed away, 85% said they were, while the remaining 15% said it was either a dog, a parrot, a goldfish or a hamster.


When 100 members of the general public were asked if they thought Alex Salmond would resurface again, 5% thought that he would, while 95% said that if he did they would fling themselves from the top of Blackpool Tower.



Mister EMB

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Re: 14 things that are more popular than Ed Miliband

Only 14???

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