Unable to create Nectar points vouchers.

My ability to create vouchers from nectar points has suddenly stopped.


On the page for nectar on the app I have the message "REQUEST PERMISSION TO CREATE VOUCHERS" and that I have to ask the Nectar account holder (that's me) for permission. But I've gone all over my Nectar account webpage and I can't see how I'm meant to it.


Maybe I'm just missing a button somewhere. I was able to create one back in December, so I have no idea what's changed. I tried unlinking and then relinking the accounts but that changed nothing.


And help getting this turned back on would be appreciated.

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Re: Unable to create Nectar points vouchers.

This is an ongoing issue  some members are, and have been experiencing,  that's been happening for quite a few years.


I'm tagging marco@ebay   an eBay Community team manager, perhaps he can add your account to to the ticket for the tech team to view,  see if they can help.



Message 2 of 3
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Re: Unable to create Nectar points vouchers.

Any luck sorting this? I'm having the same problem.

Message 3 of 3
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