about account suspension

Hello eBay community,

I'm seeking help with a suspended account issue. My account was restricted due to not providing tracking numbers initially (MC011). When I tried to add the tracking numbers later, eBay asked for product invoices. I provided my wholesaler's invoices, but eBay rejected them twice. On the third attempt, my account was suspended.

Can anyone advise on how to resolve this issue and get my account reinstated? I've been a active seller on eBay for 3 months with a high feedback rating.

Specifically, I'd love to know:

- What additional documentation or information can I provide to verify my invoices?
- Are there any specific requirements for wholesaler invoices that I'm missing?
- How can I appeal the suspension and get my account reinstated?

Thank you for your help and guidance!


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Re: about account suspension

Were you correctly registered as a business seller?



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