fund raisers

I have been using up my odd balls of wool by knitting various hats, which I thought may be useful for the grandchildren's school fund raising fetes. Have now been told that they don't want them (my daughter told me not the school) as "people want proper shop bought things these days not home made stuff". I must admit to feeling a bit hurt about it, has anybody else come across this before or is it just my fussy family?

Message 1 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

A few years ago, my cousin's daughter was expecting her first child.  My mum knit her a matinee coat and my cousin's daughter wasn't happy.  On the other hand, one of my other cousins had a little girl and she said that she would have been delighted with anything we had knit for her child.  I can't weigh it up.  I think that some people are too fussy these days Myra.  


When Steph was expecting Georgia, she asked us to knit for her.  We knit for Grace as well and Steph always lets us see the girls wearing the things that we've knit for them.  She is the same with clothes we've bought for the girtlrs too.

Message 2 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

Think its a phase thing fashions go through. If you sent one to the Beckhams and one of them wore it you could not make them fast enough!

You could MDCC them on 26th July............x

Message 3 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

 "people want proper shop bought things these days not home made stuff".


In the fashion world, hand made is a selling point.


You could buy a hand made hat from a shop and that would be acceptable.

Dont they realize that the hat has been made for the shop by someone just like yourself, as they have outworkers making them.


Have you asked the school what their policy is.


I have read about schools not accepting home made cakes, "must be prepacked from a supermarket"

I can sort of understand that, due to the current health and safety issues on food

Message 4 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

Swe in some "Myraandjim Designs Hand made" labels in them and they will sell like hot cakes!

Message 5 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

i agree people do not want to buy hand made no matter how daught is a fashion designer and is so going back to colledge to teach fashion and has her own fashion lable and made some skirts to sell to raise money for her wedding and she can not sell them .done ebay carboot cheapcycle. and has not sold one and she is only askig for £10 each which is so cheap.i would love them if they were my size but no one wants them as they are hand made.

this is an example.

charity ebay 017.jpg

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 6 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

maybe people prefer the owls the right way up


has she tried  pricing differently too,  a week at  £20  or £5?

Take a breath, then count to ten, then breatheeeeeeeeeeeee out
Message 7 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

thats the only one with owls on and i never noticed the owls.she has tried several different offers.

here is another one.(no owls)

charity ebay 001.jpg

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 8 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

They are pretty for little girls. Agree about the owls though.

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 9 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

But they will happily buy something which is hand made in some sweatshop in China


At the end of the day someone has to make them.

Message 10 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

thought I might hang on to the hats for a month or two and then ask the local food bank if thay can give them away, I can't sell them for the Mdcc because I can't manage putting photos on. Those skirts are beautiful, it's stupid that they don't sell, you would think there would be a waiting list for them. With the modern day attitude to hand made items all of the "old" skills will die out within a few years.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

Myra do you store photo's on your pc?

Message 12 of 13
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Re: fund raisers

No Dairy I don't store pics on the pc as it is getting old and cranky now and I no longer trust it. If anyone wants the hats to put on for charity they are welcome to them just pm me your address on a first come first served basis, there are 6 I think of different sizes from adult to quite small child

Message 13 of 13
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