bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

this is the table top quiz round  i have set for the quiz on wednesday night..


exercise your grey matter and see how you get on


1.. Name one eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and the end.




2.. Assuming that you are paying, is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice or two friends to the movies at the same time?




3.. Mr. And Mrs. Jacks have five children, half of them are boys. How is this possible?



4.. What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?




5…A window cleaner is cleaning the windows on the 25th floor of a skyscraper, when he slips and falls. He is not wearing a safety harness and nothing slows his fall, yet he suffered no injuries. Explain.




6.. When can you add 'two' to 'eleven' and get 'one' as the correct answer?




7.. Before mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on earth?



8.. How can you physically stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?





9.. If a doctor gives you three pills and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long will they last?




10… How can you throw a ball as hard as you can, and make it stop and return to you, without hitting anything and with nothing attached to it?




11.. Which of the following words does not belong with the others and why? Father, aunt, sister, cousin, mother, uncle.




12.. A farmer in Somerset owns a beautiful pear tree. He supplies the fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner has called the farmer to see how much fruit is available for him to purchase. The farmer knows that the main trunk has 24 branches. Each branch has exactly 12 boughs and each bough has exactly 6 twigs. Since each twig bears one piece of fruit, how many plums will the farmer be able to deliver?




13… which word has 14 letters 6 of those are vowels and the vowels are all the same letter


14… which word begins in a double letter but those two letters are not vowels


Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 1 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

Right, I've done those.  When do we post our answers?

Message 2 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

look like there is only you about your answers and i let you know if you have won.:)

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 3 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

I have done them all as well

Message 4 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

1 inkstand
2  two friends at same time (one friend twice is 4 tickets, 2 at same time is 3 tickets)
3 Five children each
4 short
5 He is cleaning inside
6 Time on a clock
7 Mount Everest
8 Look in a mirror
9 One hour
10 Throw it with backward spin
11 Cousin (not gender specific)
12 None, it is a pear tree
13 Indivisibility
14 Llama

Message 5 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz



1 Inkstand


2 Cheaper to take two at the same time (you only pay once)


3 They had 5 boys


4 Short


5 He's doing the insides.


6 11 o'clock and 2 o'clock is 1 o'clock.


7Mount Everest was always the tallest, discovered or not.


8 They stand back to back


9 One hour


10 Throw it upwards.


11 Cousin. It's the only one that's not sex specific.


12 He wanted pears, not plums.


13 Indivisibility


14 Llama.



Message 6 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

And mustard's wasn't there when I did mine, honest! 🙂

Message 7 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

Can you draw a triangle where all angles are 90 degrees

Message 8 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz!  Woman Very Happy

Message 9 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

mustard got 8 and 10 wrong but cggot them all right.well done cg.


Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 10 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

Oh thank you.  Thanks for doing it cookie.  Pity there's no one about. 😞


Message 11 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

when you look and see that this post had 133 views even if you take ours of that still leaves 100+ views .just seems people do not want to have a bit of fun anymore.well done cg

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 12 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

I have been in to look a few times. No time to join in last night though.

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 13 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

Yes,I can see what you mean but, for example, I spotted it last night but was busy, so made a point of coming back to do it today, when I had time to sit and think.  But it was already done, with the answers on there.  So, there might be other similar situations for some people (though probably not 100, I'll admit!).


Joan x

Message 14 of 15
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Re: bit of fun on a saturday night quiz

ok joan i have done some more.on new thread.


Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 15 of 15
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