Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Have any of you had a dog put on these and saw an improvement and how long did it take ?

Our dog Benny has what the vet calls heart failure, basically he is getting old and his heart is not strong enough to keep his lungs clear of fluid. He still likes to get out, eats well and plays as much as he is able. He is not ready to give up yet so we will do everything we can to give him a decent quality of life a more mature gentleman, companion, friend and part of our family deserves for his years of loyalty and love.

We will know when the time comes to let him go and play with his mum (Suzie) who let us know when it was time for her to go and play and wait for us but until the time comes we just wondered about the effect of the medication he is now on.

Thank you in advance for any information you can impart.

Message 1 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Oh well looks like we are on our own with this one !

Sorry for taking up anyones time to read this thread. Will not bother with it again and just wait and see what happens with Benny.

Thank you to those that took the time to read the thread.

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

The boards are very quiet at the moment so please don't take it to heart if replies are not numerous or rapid.

Although I've had dogs all my life I've never had one with the same medical condition so have no knowledge of the drugs mentioned, so can't answer your question.

I hope the drugs help and hope you have more quality time with Benny.

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Sorry DC haven't come across this before with any of our dogs so can't comment im afraid. I hope they work and you get more time with Benny
Message 4 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Good to hear that Benny is still bright and wants to play etc.


Same as with people, it's tiring when the heart doesn't work well, and the Vetmedin should help the heart work stronger ( poorly phrased ) 🙂


The Frusemide are diuretics - remove fluid from the lungs and you may have to, with your vets, alter the dose to find the right level. Too much tablet can = dehydrated dog, too little = flooded lungs.


They do make a dog wee more which can cause accidents as when they need to go, they need to go in a hurry.


And don't let them 'fill back up' at the water bowl - ie; tablet takes fluid off lungs, big drink of water puts it back in. But need to be careful that you don't restrict it too much and have a dried out dog -- hence my comment about vet.


Frusemide work quickly - day or two and Vetmedin isn't usually such a noticeable immediate effect but a few days/week later, you go - -oh yes, you are doing better.


Hopefully that helps and you & Benny have some more time for making memories.

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

I hope wee Benny is showing signs of improvement's so sad to see our furbabies growing old Woman Indifferent

Be not inhospitable to strangers, lest they be Angels in disguise.

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Sorry I know nothing of doggie's medication.  But I do hope they help him and he enjoys his life.

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Try doing a Google search on the drugs to find out more, have never used them so can't help too much, sorry. Give Benny a big hug from us and remind him that he's got to stay well because he is coming up to visit soon. In the meantime enjoy each day with him, just as we are doing at the moment with Sam and his arthritis. Will be thinking of you all

Message 8 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Can't be of any help as we've never had to use these, but best wishes to Benny.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

our Skipper had a heart condition (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) she was on frusmide tablets and a heart tablet (human med) She lived quite a long time on meds, she too had fluid around the heart but the meds did clear it. I believe she may have had other meds as she got older and the condition deteriorated, but it was over 20yrs ago now and I can't remember the names of the meds.

I hope Benny is fine at the moment and gets fitter as the days go by.


Message 10 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

Waves to CB 🙂


No point posting on this thread as looks as if OP vanished when no reply after a couple of hours. I replied the next day but haven't see OP back on the thread since even though they've been on the boards. And people wonder why FHG is dying 😞

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

I have not replied on the thread borzoi as I have been waiting to see if any improvement and also waiting for Bennys second visit to the vet for their verdict and to see how he got on with the problem with his cruciate ligament.

There is slight improvement and he is now on metacalm as well but we are taking it day to day because if this ligament goes his other is likely to go as well as it is weak since he tore that and had an op on it over four years ago and if both go that will be the end.

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

yes borzoi, I like you can see FHG is dying and some of the reasons are, people who used to post not coming in now to post. Second , people that used to post coming in and hardly posting at all. Third , people posting trying to stimulate conversations and no one or hardly anyone posting on the thread which discourages them from posting again.

A bit like MDCC seems to be going ! people being discouraged and thinking to themselves what is the point !

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

it's sad I know...we need to try harder I guess, I shall pop in of an evening. How is Benny tonight?


Message 14 of 15
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Re: Vetmedin and Frusemide tablets ............

He still coughs CB but nowhere near as frequently or as sore as he did so the tablets must be doing him good.

I had to carry him home though when his leg got to sore for him to walk and he just stood there with the sad face. When we got home I gave him some Metacalm and that did some good so I am pleased with that. We will just keep taking it day to day and keep our fingers crossed because we would like to get this upcoming holiday and Christmas with him at least.

Message 15 of 15
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