Cancel the item

I want to cancel the item ID 134204834623. I wish to state that i have made double purchase of the same item and would be glad if you would cancel the above mentioned ID

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Cancel the item

We cannot do that for you, as we are members like yourself.


You need to ask your seller directly.


Go to your Purchase History page, far right from More Actions select Contact Seller.


Be aware,  if this is a Private seller with a No Returns policy on their listing,  they do not have to accede to your request.

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Cancel the item

In addition to the advice you have already been given there is another solution to the problem.  If the person who sold you the item is a private seller and will not accept returns then if the account you started this thread with is purely for asking questions/providing answers in the eBay community but you have another eBay account on which you are already registered for selling on, then keep one of the items and sell the second one on the other account.  If you are not yet set up for selling on eBay then perhaps you could set your account up for selling and sell the unneeded item to somebody else.


If the seller will not accept a return and you do not want to start selling on eBay then either sell the second one on via some other means or keep it as a spare in case the first one gets broken, lost or stolen.  It's always useful to have a spare item lying around just in case something like this happens.

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