App not working - update required

Just tried opening the app on my android phone and get the message "this version is no longer supported. Please update to the latest version".  Pressing the "update" goes to Google play but the only options are "Uninstall" or "Open" - no option to update. Pressing "Cancel" closes the app.


I suspect they pushed a new version of the app to deal with the changes introduced overnight but something has gone wrong somewhere.


Anyone else got this issue?

Message 1 of 428
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427 REPLIES 427

App not working - update required

@redru-22 wrote:

Surely, if I login via my browser & Not the app which I no longer have, I
should be able to open & get to my account that way?

Check the settings on this page as mentioned earlier - you need to make sure "Sign-in with your eBay app" is disabled. You can obviously sign-in to eBay as you have managed to post on the boards; you might want to try signing-in to via a private browsing window to bypass anything your browser has remembered about how you normally log-in. 

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 321 of 428
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App not working - update required

Hi just downloaded the new app version for iPhone 13 PM and IOS 18 I think. The app won’t work at all . Crashes on adding info etc and it’s taking twice as long to upload a listing. I’ve given up 

and I’ve got 2 Tb on iPhone 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 322 of 428
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App not working - update required

So is there another issue? That is bizarre. 

Message 323 of 428
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App not working - update required

Unfortunately, I don't know much about iPhones. I have Android 8 ☹️ The app should work on iOS 17 and above. Please can you confirm you've got an official version of iOS 18? Have you tried un-installing and re-installing the app? If the phone started slowing down after installing the app, it may not have installed properly.


You should be able to access using a browser on a mobile phone or computer. Un-install the app first and don't be tempted to re-install it. This should keep you going until an iPhone expert comes back online tomorrow.  I'm scratching my brain trying to think of other solutions. Please let us know how you get on. 

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 324 of 428
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App not working - update required

hi, no longer able to use Ebay app Android 9, i am NOT replacing a £700 perfectly good usable tablet just to be able to use this app, my Ebay usage will now be severely limited if using a browser, but more likely stopped completely, thank you

Message 325 of 428
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App not working - update required

There is no guarantee that eBay read these posts. Please express your feelings directly to eBay. The more the better.

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 326 of 428
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App not working - update required

Downloaded from the App Store itself. So an official app from eBay.  Uninstalled it twice still the same. So put the item in drafts and decided to use website which takes twice as long. And then give up. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 327 of 428
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App not working - update required

Your original post said you think you have iOS 18, please can you confirm you have an official version of iOS 18? Your phone can run on 15, 16, 17 and 18. I have always used the browser access but I have only had max 8-9 items for sale at a time. There are normally some experts on this thread. I used to work with mobile phones and computers but I've been retired for 7 years and things have moved on. I can't think of any reason why it won't work. I hardly dare suggest it but re-installing iOS 18 may be a solution. Try contacting the technical department at eBay and explain your problem. 

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 328 of 428
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App not working - update required

Cleared my cache in Google Chrome, then typed in in the
search bar.
Entered by login details, followed by 2 SA. The msg pops up
'Do you trust this browser?
Yes, I trust this browser,
No I do not trust this browser,
or Skip until later'.
Previously I've answered Yes, to trust, however I chose 'skip until later'.
Long winded route, but I was at least able to get into view my account &
Thanks for your help throughout this.
Thankfully, I won't be buying a new phone just to access the eBay app. 🧐
Message 329 of 428
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App not working - update required

I am running Android 11 on a Samsung tablet. Ive cleard ed cache and data rebooted over 15 times etc   No Joy

Thank you

Message 330 of 428
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App not working - update required

Please confirm it's an official version of Android 11. There is no telling what's in an unofficial version. It must be very frustrating to try that many times. I can't think of a good reason why it shouldn't update. Try back here later when someone may come up with a suggestion. In the meantime, contact the technical department at eBay and explain your problem. Same as my previous post. I hardly dare suggest it. Save all your data and re-install Android 11 ☹️ 

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 331 of 428
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App not working - update required

Seems since replying to this post my mail box is filling with 100s of replies which is P'ing me off.

How do I remove myself from this posting App not updating.

Tell all to contact all UK TV radio stations newspapers etc failing that Donald Trump

Message 332 of 428
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App not working - update required

Near the top-right of the thread there is an "Options" menu; click on that then select "Unsubscribe". Alternatively, use the link included with the email responses to manage your subscriptions.

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 333 of 428
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App not working - update required

Be careful, he might come round and build a tower in your back garden 😀

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 334 of 428
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App not working - update required

So I now can't get Ebay on my current android tablet?


Message 335 of 428
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App not working - update required

@barneysmum_123 wrote:

So I now can't get Ebay on my current android tablet?


What is the manufacturer and model number?

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 336 of 428
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App not working - update required

I’ve been good buyer for ebay and now telling me I need a new mobile, I’m elderly, so feel will loose a lot of buyers? 

Message 337 of 428
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App not working - update required

Aka - There is NO solution.  Buy another phone or go without the eBay App....


eBay must be making too much money if it can dispense with me that easily....

Message 338 of 428
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App not working - update required

absolutely right sir, can't believe any would. Be so short sighted!
Working from the website but a faff to use...
Don't reinstall the app, or you're back to the beginning.
Message 339 of 428
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App not working - update required

Cannot get website to work either 

Message 340 of 428
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