Would you object?

To an ambulance parking outside your house in an emergency? Someone in the West Midlands did and hurled abuse at the paramedics for doing so!
What on earth drives people to react like that, is it frustration, protectiveness, or simply a sign of the times? Whichever it is I find that behaviour unacceptable, what can be more serious than an ambulance on blue lights attending a neighbour, what happened to compassion and love thy neighbour?
Message 1 of 5
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Re: Would you object?

Looks like she's gonna be pinched under the Public Order Act now. She's been arrested anyway.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 5
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Re: Would you object?

No I wouldn't. Patience all round in my opinion, they do a hard enough job as it is xx
Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 3 of 5
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Re: Would you object?

I can never understand why some people get so wound up about where an ambulance is parked even if it is blocking their drive.  The thought never seems to cross their mind that if the ambulance was for them or a family member they wouldn't care where the vehicle was parked.


This particular woman also left a hand written note on the ambulance and referred to it as a van!!


As 'punishment' she should be made to go on shift as an observer with an ambulance crew, maybe then she'll understand how difficult their job is already without having to deal with idiots like her.


They can park on my drive, across my drive at any time day or night.

Merry Everything & A Happy Always 🙂
Message 4 of 5
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Re: Would you object?

And now she's been charged.



Merry Everything & A Happy Always 🙂
Message 5 of 5
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