What's the meaning of life........

Not applicable

....in your opinion.


Does it have a point? Is there a purpose to it all? Do you actually ever think about this question? Do you care?







Message 1 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

I think there is a subtle but not insignificant difference between considering life has "meaning" or having a point,per se.People in certain careers,ie airline pilots,surgeons etc may feel their life has more Meaning,than someone who doesn't have a job or stacks shelves in Poundland,although I am making sweeping generalisations here,and connecting poverty with a meaningless existence,which might sound patronising,I suppose.

Being a parent may give life more "meaning" for some people.In my case,.no,my life doesn't have a lot of actual meaning that I can discern,nor any specific Point,but I'm not sure that this matters,overmuch.


I'm think perhaps that too much emphasis today is put upon life having to have "meaning",and thus pressure is placed upon individuals who may not have a happy or fulfilling life,to find some,lest they feel like outcasts in society and among their peers.


And there is,of course,religous faith to consider.for  amny people this is thier "point" or a meaning to their lives,they will have faith that God has a plan for them.

 No,it's not that I don't "care" I suppose it would be nice to feel that Life Has Meaning,if only so that one feels that box has been checked,and it's done,like a pile of laundry,it's something you need to get around to doing at some point,and,having sone so,you can feel smug and forget all about it..

But I don't think it matters overly much.Life isn't always easy,worrying about it having to have "meaning" is like trying to finish a cryptic crossword puzzle you don't understand.,Bugger that for a game of soldeirs.

Message 2 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Yes they're is a point,I suppose it must have a purpose, often think about it, at this moment in time, not really. SORRY!

Message 3 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Does life have a meaning??.....  42 is the obvious answer. 

Does life have a purpose??.....  For me, no. I'm just a waste of space. I went through life at full speed. I cared about nothing and nobody but, without me, the world would collapse into a Black Hole in the year 2134 but because one of my off-spring is a brilliant scientist, that will all be avoided and 4,683,5643,486 lives will be saved.

Message 4 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........



Some their career could be their life,,for others a family and children. Making babies and procreating could be a meaning for some.


Different meanings for different people.


I think if im Happy, i work and put in some graft,have good family and relationships that has had meaning for me!!.


Woman Happy

Message 5 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

That's a good answer Rose, & if it can be achieved it's what most people aim for.

Message 6 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

I think the point is to be content.  You might as well be, when all is said and done.  Nothing actually matters, though it doesn't always feel like that in the here and now.  Life is quite random (fairly random egg + extremely random sperm = you ... or me ... or anyone).   So I'd say be gentle with yourself and others (no one chooses their genes), and don't take it all so seriously that is causes you (or others) upset. 

Message 7 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Whenever I start a-pondering, I always stick Monty Python's 'Meaning of Life' on the jolly old VHS, and then when that's finished, I usually contemplate my naval for ½ an hour. I am thereafter enlightened.



Mister EMB

Message 8 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

The meaning of life for the majority of us is to survive, that means work work and more work.

EMB is exempt from that of course.
Message 9 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Not applicable

What if the meaning of life is to be happy?

Message 10 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

What went wrong then?


would we be happier if we were still foraging for food none the wiser if evolution had not taken this wierd course?

Message 11 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Not applicable

What weird course. Nothing went wrong. It's called creating and is that not a happy thing?

Message 12 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

You sure?

Message 13 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Not applicable

I'm azkin ze quezionz here, would zyou mind anzhwerring.

Message 14 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Sorry had to do some work, are we saying creation should make us happy?

Message 15 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Not applicable

Of course it does. Isn't it fabulous? First we lived in caves and look at us now. Look at what has been created by us all. The most amazing things. Things most of us are very happy about on every level of life. From the smallest thing to the biggest. And everyone ads their little bit (or big bit). And it never stops. We all keep adding new things to life.

Message 16 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

But no one is happy with what they have got, everyone wants that little bit more, you want a house overlooking one of the lakes in Italy and to be beautiful, when will we be content?

Message 17 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Not applicable

It's not that I'm not content. It's the nature of creating. We will always look for something else, even if it's just a new lamp for our house. It's what drives us, we can't NOT create, it's impossible. Think about it. Something bad or annoying can spur us on to find a solution in whatever form, and in doing so we are creating a new and hopefully improved situation....thus more happiness. So we actually need a bit of struggle in our lives to keep creating and working towards something better.

Message 18 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Why does life have to have a meaning or purpose, why can't we just be?


So we actually need a bit of struggle in our lives to keep creating and working towards something better.


Which is the main part of my argument against the possibility of an afterlife, living in a perfect situation for eternity would be a kind of hell and completely pointless.

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 19 of 35
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Re: What's the meaning of life........

Not applicable

There doesn't have to be a meaning. Everyone will fill life in as they want.....


And I agree. Perfection is the end of creativity. A perfect world sounds nice, but there would be nothing to desire anymore.


Message 20 of 35
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