Tory leadership?

OK, how about saying who your preferred winner would be and predicting who will eventually win?


I'd prefer Leadsom but I think May will probably win.


Just for once..... is it possible to just stick to the topic? rant

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 84
See Most Recent

Re: Tory leadership?

Get MAY in, call an election


Then New Parliament ditches Brexit, in an open Vote, 


Do it before Britain collapses all together




Message 21 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

Give it a rest.


We are OUT resign yourself to that.


We all knew that short term the economy would nose dive, but it's a small price to pay for INDEPENDENCE.


Once we have a new PM and article 50 has been signed then it will bounce back.

Message 22 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

The economy hasn't nosedived. The "economy" is driven by alternate waves of panic and confidence.


The way to make money is in a turbulent period. Things go down on panic, then they go back up as confidence is restored.


Things get talked down so the canny buy, when things begin to be talked up, they sell.


It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 23 of 84
See Most Recent

Re: Tory leadership?

Strewth........there are some REAL sad individuals on here aren't there. Ones I mentioned in another post, whose party support has morphed into a religion and spout on and on and on and on and on about it CONSTANTLY; finding EVERY opportunity to bring it into the conversation, whatever that conversation mat be about......BORING !!!..................and can we try to get over this INFANTILE attitude some people have that if they can't get what THEY want, they'll just abandon ANY democratic process that's taken place; just to get what they want. It shows them up as the sort of people they REALLY are, not caring of society at all ( as they like to portray ) but ******* Communists.........and deep down nasty ones at that.

Message 24 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

Well we've seen the "Chucking toys out of the pram" brigade on here for years? Slowly, slowly, off they go sometimes without so much as a flounce. If they can't say what they like about someone/anyone, off they go with bad grace! They don't like being told off?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 25 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

Well, in my lifetime, I've voted Conservative, Labour AND Lib. Dem. whatever I thought was right for the country & myself ( and my family ) at the time. For those SAD people, to whom labour have become a religion, I hope Chilcot's report; saying their CHIEF HIGH PRIEST at the time....TONY BLAIR......was possibly the dirtiest lying scumbag of all time and couldn't detach his lips from Bush's backside........actually makes them " Grow up " and accept reality.

Message 26 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?


>> #23: The economy hasn't nosedived. The "economy" is driven by alternate waves of panic and confidence...


Noticed this sensible US interview from the editor of the Wall Street Journal:



Message 27 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

More dirty tricks from Gove?:-

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 28 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

IDS, summed it up perfectly:


"People with knives will end up stabbing themselves."

Message 29 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

What a rotter Gove's turned out to be?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 30 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

I wonder if politicians have ANY idea, just how close they are to making Enoch Powell's speech come true........only the blood on the streets will be theirs.

Message 31 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

He certainly hasn't done himself any favours in the last week or so.


Firstly swearing blind on national tv that he would never run for party leader.


Then stabbing Boris in the back and now this, a very odious individual.

Message 32 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

I hope the rest of the party give him the cold shoulder after his display of disloyalty.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 33 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

Self serving nastiness is nothing new in politics....Ed Miliband stabbed his own brother in the back, but still became Leader of the Labour Party. And what a disaster that turned out to be.

Message 34 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

Well that's Gove eliminated. It's up to party members to decide now.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 35 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

Let's hope there are enough of them out there who voted to leave the EU , and want to see someone who voted the same way , win and lead the party. I have a feeling that May would drag her heels, and not get on with it. 

Message 36 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

We are many,They are few
Message 37 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

@al**bear wrote:

Get MAY in, call an election


Then New Parliament ditches Brexit, in an open Vote, 


Do it before Britain collapses all together




I voted out and want the Goverment to accept the outcome.  England lost the football match, do we have a replay intill they win. where is Britian Collapeing ????  The EU said Britian is out and want them to set up trade agreements.

Message 38 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?


Message 39 of 84
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Re: Tory leadership?

I voted out BUT,,My money is on our not leaving the EU for the following reasons:-

1. We cannot leave legally without both Houses of Parliament passing a new Act to repeal/amend the European Communities Act 1972.

2. Most MPs are Remainers.

3. The outright leading candidate to be elected as the new Conservative leader and Prime Minister (Theresa may) is a Remainer.

4. At no time was the Referendum ever more than advisory. Cameron made a promise too act on it but that was purely a ruse to win last year's election. As he is now exiting himself from the role his promise, as with all manifesto promises , is worthless.

5. Increasingly Brexiteers I speak to are angry that they were misled by Gove/Johnson. Johnson, for example, is now arguing to rejoin the Single market but the EU have made it crystal clear that they will only allow us in on the basis we agree to continue free movement of people, which Brexiteers understood pre-Refermdum from Johnson would be curtailed. Note, he didn't specifiy his Single Market access requirement before the Referendum.

6. As the damage to the economy and need to rack up austerity/jobs lost as companies move out/planned inward investment drops will take a hold (we are already at all time sterling low - Brexiteers realising right now how much more expensive their summer holiday is costing - and lost all AAA rating status just on the vote and well before an actual exit) more and mother Brexiteers will change their minds and press their MPs to vote down the Act. The passage of the Act can only occur if enough Remain MPs fear so much that their constituents are still for Brexit that they will lose their seats at the next general election. Gradually that fear will reduce.

This was a crazy way to hold a Referendum (and as I say primarily cheap election trick) . To ask people to vote to leave without asking them to condition that wish on one or other of the five exit doors the EU gives us for the general type of post exit arrangement with a sixth default door we are kicked out of with no deal at all after 2 years from the Article 50 trigger is pulled is just economic Russian Roulette.
Message 40 of 84
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