Tories support for the "Hard working families"

Government sees off rebellion to win vote on working tax credit cuts


The cuts to tax credits, which will see the earnings level above which they are withdrawn cut from £6,420 to £3,850 from next April, were approved by 325 votes to 290. David Davis, the former shadow home secretary, and Stephen McPartland, were the only Tory MPs to vote against the government alongside Labour, the SNP and the Democratic Unionists.


And the one UKIP MP voted with the government ! !!% pay rise for MP's anyone?

We are many,They are few
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Re: Tories support for the "Hard working families"

I've been there, except for the disabled bit. A pay rise of pennies per hour put me over the tax threshold on one of my jobs, so I was poorer by pounds. On another job, it was cheaper to rent a flat near my work...I did own a house...than pay petrol and tyres plus the mileage depreciating my car. Plus travelling in rush hour to work meant I never knew what time to allow for travelling. Roadworks or an accident could make my morning journey take hours longer. I worked between 8 am and 8 pm with the occasional overnighter..7 days , zero hours contract, so not travelling 40 miles each end of the day let me get some extra sleep. After 2 years renting, I sold my house as I never saw it. I would have liked the present tax threshold, though.
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