Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

Both Tony Blair and Bill Gates are in the news today. Tony Blair with reference to the Chilcot Enquiry, and Bill Gates with his dire warning regarding Middle Eastern and African immigration into Europe. Bill Gates, one of the most humanitarian philanthropists in our world today, has warned that the flood of immigration into Europe is catastrophic, and that the EU should address it immediately. The EU will not address this at all. It is a deliberate policy and will be allowed to continue. Indeed....the EU is increasingly pushing for the U.K. to take more migrants. It is interesting to note that Mrs Merkel and Herman non Rompouy have both been recipients of the Coudenhove Kalergi has Tony Blair, and interestingly, Winston Churchill. The origins of this prize have been hidden, and it is now benignly known as the Charlemagne prize. The original Kalergi plan from 1922 seems to be coming to fruition (lots of references on Google) but the UK behaving so badly with its Brexit vote has the EU masters having temper tantrums.

The original Kalergi plan is shocking, but, as with the original aims of the EU, have been hidden from the ordinary people.

Have to end there...Tony Blair is on TV....I just have this overwhelming urge to throw a brick at it.

Message 1 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

                                                                           .help yourself.gif

Message 2 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

Petal....what is that? A pile of rubble?

Message 3 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

sunglassesyes, save's picking up a brick

Message 4 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

Ah....I see!😄😄

Message 5 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

He and most politicians have that effect on me too.Woman LOL

Message 6 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

Looks like Tony BLiar was intentionally splashed all over our media, right at this moment


To deflect attention away, from the Tory Party being in total disarray among themselves and the disastrous truth now dawning on even the most rabid Brexiteers, that Brexit is going to be a total disaster for the British Public, UK Companies and even the City of London



Have You noticed how many times His name was mentioned, by May, her Ministers and the Tories media puppets, over the last 10 days. Be it Grenfell, Public sector pay, Europe etc etc


Coincidence, don't think so



Tony BLiar is the Tories equivalent of Labours blame Monkey Thatcher


Funnily enough he's that to a very large section of Labour supporters as well



Message 7 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

I have never been sold on the idea of demonising politicians, yes Thatcher is hated by many and yet she took some really tough decisions to the long term benefit of this country, likewise Blair did the inconceivable and made labour electable, he deserves credit for that! I would prefer them both to the current line up.
Bill gates will only be taken seriously by those who admire his business acumen, there are huge problems with migration, it is not entirely the fault of this nation however we do need to coordinate our response including offering support beyond NGOs to resolve medical, political and humane problems in the countries most seriously affected. Most of these countries have populations out of control and suffer drought and famine, these are all things which could be addressed so why aren't we?
We pour millions into foreign aid why don't we
Target these countries and develop their economies and natural resources it's not rocket science!
Message 8 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

Blair is old hat now, Corbyn is the "now" man. He's way to the left and the Labour party is moving further that way.


In years past, Miltant tried to become dominant, now a new group called "Momentum" is attempting a really Leftist move along with trying to make Labour MPs regularly stand for re-election plus calling for pressure to be exerted on any party critics............

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 9 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

I agree the far left have been attempting to exert pressure on the Labour Party for years and now they really do feel that they are in the ascendency, I cannot see this proposal to deselect some who don't tow the far left agenda to be deselected, there are some excellent MPs like Lisa Nandy who could face the axe and that would surely back fire on them. I certainly hope so!
Message 10 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

I miss BOP
Please do not feed the Troll
Message 11 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

The interview with Gates was given with a German newspaper which in context appears to involve  foreign aid and a need for other countries to do more in that respect. The extraction and translation was by Breitbart a right wing organ How that has been extracted, presented and 'churned' by other right wing media is their decision  .


Here is Gates on camera  talking about immigration. The topic appears at the end of the clip 


Here is the piece on immigration  from the clip itself  talking about refugees from areas like Syria and Afghanistan etc.


Gates comments 


' Well certainly  the US should set a better example by taking in more refugees, we have the capacity , even though it's not easy,  I think Germany and Sweden should be congratulated for being more of an open door approach on this thing '




Gates has appeared before Congress arguing for flexible approach to h1b visa applicants and a need to import more immigrants infact unlimited on h1b when he went before Congress


Zucherberg CEO of Facebook has said similar and goes further  on  immigration 


my italics, and bold

Message 12 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

Most of the large number of displaced refugees in Syria are currently held in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi, Iraq, UAE etc , with the UK being considerably down the list, for the forrin averse


It's doubtful but for earlier US policy in Iraq, & Russia's own agenda, the situation would be quite as it is.


Clarissa Ward is a war correspondent who speaks Arabic, Russian and several other languages. Her view is largely echoed by other war reporters in that region,which has become increasingly hostile to outside journalists in it's propaganda war








CNN's Clarissa Ward addresses the U.N. Security Council on the state of Syria and the people left living in Aleppo.
Message 13 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi it?

Message 14 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

It must be a conspiracy lol 

Message 15 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

I watched Clarissa Ward, for sure it sounds harrowing, but then so it was here during WW2
Yet we chose to stay and fight! Yes some children were evacuated to the countryside but they did so often with a heavy heart at leaving their parents behind. What we see unfolding in North Africa and the Middle East is a population out of control, lacking discipline, breeding for fun and lacking even the most basic provisions. If we have a responsibility, and I believe we do, it is to improve their lives by investing in infrastructure schools etc to help them if they are willing. I would willingly help where I could as should the religious communities throughout the region, it is no good pretending that we i.e. Europe has all the answers and that we should simply open our doors, give them hope in their own countries and rid them of those who seek to destroy them. How we do that is open to discussion but. It ought to be achievable.
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.



It's not surprising then that given two world wars and millions of lives lost within a short space of time, that some would see a more integrated Europe as an answer to not only that period but for the conflicts within Europe spanning over hundreds of years


Did you?  

That was a choice of the UK govt, this is a war of Assad against his own people

So do numerous Syrians, but with little to fight with against constant Russian bombing from it's air power, gas attacks,  it's a fairly one sided conflict 


Your analysis as usual, leaves a lot to be desired

Message 17 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

Btw I think it's quite likely that had you put 'sooty' as leader of the only main opposition party in 97, he would have won


Magaret Thatcher was a keen supporter of the Single Market, she just had a limited understanding of possible implications



Blair, much to his chagrin no doubt, will largely be remembered for his 'with you all the way regardless' love letter support of Bush

It's difficult to understate the long term effects of that intervention.



Message 18 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

The conflict goes beyond Syria and includes countries like Eritrea, Somalia, Morocco, Tunisia, even Nigeria is in there, why?
Message 19 of 28
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Re: Tony Blair and Bill Gates.

good opportunity old chap, to do some reading in your increased leisure time these days.

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