The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

  Hiya,this was a video I took of the Severn Bore on the morning of the 5th Of November.Still havent managed to see a really big bore wave this year,2018 looks better,with some bigger 4 star ones in february and march.If ever you fancied watching one and in the area ,the bore timetables are found at


This is the video i made,got too many cameras lol,had 4 filming in total.

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

This is on my bucket list...lived in the county over 40 years and am ashamed to say never seen it...!

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

i only live 25 miles away from where you can watch it in Gloucestershire.Ive always wanted to watch it for about 20 years,but kept forgetting to check when the times are,and only watched it for the first time this year.Sods law though,2017 is a poor year,no big bores,the 5 star ones that they show on the TV only happen say once every several years.2018 looks alot better,about 5-6  4 star bores,the biggest in the whole of 2017 were 3 stars.The timetables are very accurate though,the bore can be 20 mins early or 30 mins late to the time given for any bore.Though from experience of watching them ,they have all been 20-30 mins late so far.

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Where do you catch it...Over or Elmore? Think I've been put off by the crowds and surfers, who can spoil it


Lovely film by the way

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Thanks,yes i know what you mean.The first couple of times,I watched it by Minsterworth church,and even late at night in the summer when I watched a bore at 10pm ( was just about light enough to see) there were still 50 people + and thats for just an average 3 star bore.For a 5 star bore,there would be thousands lining the riveer banks,plus surfers and helicopters with news crews.The last 2 bores including this video,i was about half way between Elmore and Minsterworth on the stonebench side of the river,think I will try further towards Elmore next time,that straight stretch of river ,the bore seems to grow more in height.

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

looked for a 5 star at over bridge

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

To be honest,im not sure thats a 5 star,sometimes,bores can be either alot larger or smaller than the predicted size,due to alot of various conditions,such as air pressure( lower pressure is better),wind direction,river level and the amount of fresh water.That looks more like the size of a 2 or 3 star bore,similar to the size I have watched this year.Now this was someones elses 5 star bore from nearly 20 years ago.


This 5* bore was filmed at Minsterworth and was predicted to be one of the biggest of the 20th century
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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Smiley Very HappyAhhhh Now That Looks Like A Biggy

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

And looks like chaos too,as they are riding over the top of each other lol

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Good film, hopefully next year even large waves to capture

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Yep,february and march look good for a couple of 4 stars.Im hoping to capture one next week in the first week of december,defo need a hot drink to take though as it looks like it will stay cold

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Least there may be fewer surfers around then.


See there have been no 4 stars predicted this year, though couple of 3 stars on 4-6th Dec

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Have surfboard will travel. Like the film, might be tempted to but one of those now I have seen the results.

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Yep.this morning looks promising,dry and not much wind,its due around 8.40am at minsterworth .i work about 12 miles away from where it happens,on night shift ,so I go straight from work.I drive to within a mile from where I view it,then struggle to carry all my gear,which includes my work bag with food and flask etc( going to be chilly),my drone,a large plast storage box with the contrroller,camcorder,2 extra small action cameras ec,my tripod ,my telescopic pole with ground spike for the bank cam,I end up lugging more equipment than a Uk commando lol.

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Hope you've got your vest on its going to be chilly..!


if you're not back in time for tea we'll send out the St Bernard for you...hope you get some great footage, let us know, and share it if you can.


Have a good sleep after your night shift, you'll have earned it

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The Severn Bore on the 5th November,managed to get another good flight and video of the bore

Funny enough,I think the day after I was there filming,they had a similar size bore which this time had surfers on it,someone else had the same idea and filmed it with a quadcopter,this was their video.Looks more like elmore back instead of elmore,so about half a mile down river from where I filmed

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