Technological help...please?

I have a problem that I hope someone on here may be able to help with. It is driving me practically insane...and I have to solve it soon!

We have developed the most annoying pulsating hum in our house. I can hear it very clearly. My OH can't hear it because he is very hard of hearing. It's not there all the seems to come and go. It is centred on our sitting room, and seems to change its location in the room. Sometimes it's strongest near the door, another time it is strongest in the centre of the room. It began about a month ago, and  I have given it much thought  and the only thing that has changed in the house is the Sky box. We did have a white one, but they sent us a black one which has been installed. When I sat down to type this post it was humming away nicely, but now it has stopped. 

Has anyone on here ever experienced an unexplained 'hum', or has anyone got any suggestions as to what it could be?

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Technological help...please?

Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I have an update. The hum in my house has gone. Nothing to do with the central heating or the boiler. It was caused by a faulty Sky box, that finally gave up the ghost last week. Box taken out...hum gone.

Silence reigns again, so let's hope it stays that way. 

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