Politics will never be the same again! So many liars - so many untruths!

Tonight the referendum will be decided, however the result will be the least of the governments worries! This is not like a general election where you only have to put up with the government for 4-5 years. This is permanent and whoever wins there will be tremendous disatisfaction on the other side! Some of the lies that have been told are incredible, we have liars from - all parties, who tomorrow will be working side by side and insisting their colleagues are honourable people.

I cannot see me ever wanting to vote again - they all deserve each other - and we deserve none of them! The country is now split - and this can only end in problems for everyone.


As for the EU - in or out, personally I'll give it about five years before it begins to crumble!

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Re: Politics will never be the same again! So many liars - so many untruths!

Leave 53% Remain 47% still a long night


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Re: Politics will never be the same again! So many liars - so many untruths!

Oh,  how amusing - listening to all these what can only be described as morons from 'Remain' blaming opposing parties for the reason they are not doing as well as they believe they should be doing. Milliband blamed the Tories, Cable blamed Cameron, Salmond says they held strong in Scotland - wonderful a few days ago they were all almost holding hands in a united front. Vince Cable had the audacity to suggest that this referendum should never have been held! So much for 'free speech'!!!

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Re: Politics will never be the same again! So many liars - so many untruths!

I think your comment about the EU's demise is spot on. If you take a look at comments from around the World, it seems highly likely that lots of other European nations will soon be demanding their own referendums. (or should that be referenda?)



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Re: Politics will never be the same again! So many liars - so many untruths!

referenda and um are correct - according to the BBC's quiz a couple of days ago - but don't take that as gospel, they probably got that wrong as well!

I stayed up all night until 5am as I felt so strongly about it and realised it was extremely important issue. However the lies have not stopped and operation fear continues. Today I've heard we can expect house prices to fall, petrol to go up, food will cost more, interest rates to be put up, inflation to rise and there are so many legal changes to make the politicians won't keep up.


Correct me if I'm wrong but did we not want cheaper housing for the young people to get on the housing ladder, did we not want some inflation to get the economy going and enable us to put up interest rates and help our pensioners with savings to get some sort of return? The legal changes must include our right to deport some of these wonderful people like 'hook' - remember him, who managed to block all efforts to kick him out - thanks in the main to the 'European Court of Human Rights', well thank goodness that one's days are numbered!


Now I hear there's a petition on the Government website for a second referendum by the 'losers' - sorry thought it was one opportunity to get this right, clearly the 'illuminate' may have decided we got it wrong. Maybe they should have had one box on the voting slip and told us to tick it!


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Re: Politics will never be the same again! So many liars - so many untruths!

As I said before the result was decided - it would be the least of the Governments worries!


We have David - now toast, Corbyn refusing to leave despite a vote of no confidence in true democratic style, the remain losers arguing again that it was an unfair referendum as the country was conned by that naughty Mr Farage who is so rude to the EU!

I remember when Diego Maradona scored with the help of the hand of God - even that decision was not overturned and the Argies went on to rule the world - at football.

We have Nicola 'the Fish' wobbling into the EU to fight for Scotland's Independence but to remain in the EU - Such superb Nationalistic spirit Nicola, but have you noticed the EU don't like Nationalism - has anyone told Scotland that? Could never quite grasp why she wanted a Nationalistic Scotland to be part of a bigger undemocratic EU - its totally contradictory (its EU money isn't it)!

Will Scotland qualify for EU membership??? Oh yes, as someone else said Greece did - and they too did not meet the criteria so theres a chance yet for Scotland!



Nothing has happened here that has shocked me, Leave winning was always a strong possibility, I expected the stock market to falter (it will recover!), I expected the PM to resign - and I even expected the labour party to be at each others throats - How on earth could Jeremy state that we could not reduce immigration while we were members of the EU??? A politician telling the truth - he'd have to go!! Since I personally value a strong opposition I do hope they don't give it to Angela Eagle as she's like a 'wet fish' - saw her in tears two days ago, she'd be good at negotiating with the Germans, she couldn't cope in Toyland with Noddy! I expected the EU to come out fighting as their whole experiment is beginning to fall apart - and we will be held responsible. Anyone noticed that Angela Merkel is being ever so nice, that's it girl remember your German exports - don't want to upset the naughty UK!


It is now time for common sense to prevail - the vote was cast and now it's the Governments job to put the peoples decision into operation! Any variation from this will result in far worse problems...


JUST GOES TO SHOW WHAT PEOPLE POWER IS CAPABLE OF! Enjoy it while you can they will never give you another referendum on anything!!!!


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