Old hands or non-posters.

Come on old hands, how about coming back and making some interesting and constructive posts?


OK, so it seems certain things can't be said but that applies in many places and situations too. Being deliberately confrontationally aggressive won't hack it here now but surely there's some interesting things to say or make comment about?


To non-posters I say please post. I see all the views and wonder who the viewer is that's reading but not posting. Why not?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 116
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115 REPLIES 115

Old hands or non-posters.


......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 41 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

@evoman3957 wrote:

I dread to think what He's doing behind that Dune.

I think he's trying to dodge the rule book, bloomin lurker!

Message 42 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

@suzieseaside wrote:

I wouldn't mind lurking behind a dune with Mr Clooney Smiley Tongue


......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 43 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

@vamo48 wrote:


Sorry Vamo, I didn't see your post...Hello Woman Wink


You're safe now phew!

Message 44 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Good mooning lurkers.

Message 45 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

I wondered if or how long it'd be before Logs showed up, King of the Lurkers?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 46 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Don't you mean Queen of the Lurkers 🙂
Message 47 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

I was being polite.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 48 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

You getting polite! stronger tablets or just soft in your old age?

Message 49 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Yes, very strong tablets but I'm aware of the constrictions and personalities on here too.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 50 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Which is why there are not enough posters, they dont have the self control that you show.

Message 51 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Well, some have taken the hump after being told off for being less than polite or considereate and it's high time they stopped being childish and returned to the fold after adopting a more considered, polite agenda. Smiley Happy

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 52 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

I think you may find the majority have a life time ban.

Message 53 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

I don't think so, it's only a minority (most notorious?) with such a thing.


Obviously I/we can't produce a list of known locked out posters or those not so denied access. (Remember the old lists of things on the RT or were you not around then?)


There are some of the notables who pop in now and again and they're OK to post so why are they not posting regularly?


I think what's really turned off a lot of previous posters is the multitude of wanna-be commedians who seem to think it's fun to turn any thread ("serious" or not) in to a slap-stick routine either by making stupid remarks or posting stupid pics all of which have no bearing on the thread in question and couple that with personal comments/insults, direct or veiled and a lot of the reasons for not posting are there.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 54 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Maybe people just get fed up with people on here, who appear to always have all the answers ( you get them on most forums ) after all; if they did have all the answers, things would get better.....not worse..............wouldn't they ??

Message 55 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Agreed evoman. I don't post any where near as much as I used to because if I post anything that bucks the general left wing trend I end up with the sanctimony squad on my back. There is no room for discourse with the self righteous.

Message 56 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

Defeatist, negative attitudes kill off discussion?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 57 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

I am sure you may have mentioned Wanna-be comedians before along with the other possible reasons for people not posting. Is it not reasonable that on an open forum which has attracted a wide cross section of users all with their own personality and point of view there will be some who irritate and others who procrastinate, there will be the odd thespian, a few political activists, communists, facists, goths, homophobes, atheists, idiots and thieves. The list is potentially endless. So if you wish to cleanse the forum and restrict it only to like minded individuals then surely that is not within any individuals right to demand. I believe that there have been attempts to open forums on that basis but they too have often failed because even with a small group of people some just cannot get along with others.

If everyone involved stopped trying to force people into a pattern of behaviour which did not fit their personality then perhaps things would be easier. No one likes inuendo and veiled comment and just about as many don't like being told how to behave or that they are in some way inferior. So the question is why do it? It is also true that newcomers wade into forums not really knowing what to expect, as a result they may say something out of order which then gets chucked back with interest and off we go. Surely it is better to give a little, take a little and understand that at the end of the day we are all human, fallable and above all creatures with feelings. Rise above the daftness and participate without extending a personal opinion on individuals whom you have never met that way things might improve and who knows we could get more than one thread a day 🙂

Message 58 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

In other words C.D open your heart, accept we are all human and love your fellow man.

Message 59 of 116
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Old hands or non-posters.

I think you may very well have said something similar before?


However, there are those who don't know "how to behave" and others who just "will not behave" and whether they're like that in real life or just on forums where they can hide behind the cloak of anonymity, we won't get beyond suspecting that to be so.


Just imagine a face-to-face discussion taking place where people are welcome to join in and some blankety-blank starts trying to be funny so what happens? Usually it'd be either end of discussion or one of the participants would respond with some choice words leading to a slanging match? Why do it on here? Can't they see where it's OK to join in with their style of banter and where it's not?


Your mention of newcomers is valid and nowhere was it more so than on the old Q & A where the unknowing asked a qestion that'd been answered a hundred times before so they got a mouthful from "the usual culprits".


In some cases it would have been "nicer" to have said something like "Have a read through the pinned thread at the top of the page and come back if that doesn't solve your problem" rather than "Here's another one, they're too thick to learn or they're too idle to look..."


Remember those enormous sig pics? Works of art they may have been but the huge ones taking up so much space ruined many a discussion and even today, there's the odd one now and again coupled with a senseless gif posted by a wanna-be which has absolutely no relevance to the discussion.


Also, there's those who delight in making a personal comment about another but get all het up if responded to in a like manner? A particular mention of Rommel springs to mind......


So what's the answer? I dunno and it's OK saying "live and let live" but some want their way of living (posting) but don't consider the majority who don't......

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 60 of 116
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