Katie Hopkins detained in SA

Katie Hopkins has been prevented from leaving South Africa for spreading racial hatred in the country. Now I’m no fan but why is it that in a country where as she puts it Police cannot respond to the intimidation of white farmers because they are at lunch they are organised enough to prevent her boarding a flight out of the country. To me the answer to a firebrand like her is not to lock her up and shut her down but to respond to her accusations in a combative way dispelling her argument. I know she is viewed as a fascist by many yet she does voice the concerns which are often brushed under the carpet including the problems existent in Sweden through uncontrolled immigration. My concern is that people always call her out but never address the issues she raises, what say you?
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Re: Katie Hopkins detained in SA

Leaving aside the issues she raises..... If you go to another country, keep your mouth shut and behave!


Time after time you see Brits "in trouble" for doing or saying something their "hosts" have taken issue with. Many times it seems a bit petty but it's their country so follow the old saying "When in Rome........"

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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Re: Katie Hopkins detained in SA

Funny you should say that, when I returned to the airport in Egypt recently our coach was stopped at security and the police came on board to eye up the passengers, there was a couple behind us the girl of which was of mixed race and had dyed blond Afro style hair, the policeman made a beeline for her and demanded to see her passport she went off on one feeling that she was being victimised because of her looks, which was probably true, but she refused to show him her passport and kept saying why me, it was becoming a diplomatic incident until having spoken to her earlier I turned around and reassured her it was ok and that she should simply do as the officer said her boyfriend agreed with me and she reluctantly relented! This attitude might be ok here but when you are in a foreign country you need to learn to respect those you don’t. Katie price has a big mouth and a huge ego, chances of her doing the same are slight and regrettably that doesn’t help her cause!
Message 3 of 8
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Re: Katie Hopkins detained in SA

I saw how she spoke about the LGBT community on twitter during first night of Celeb big brother it was disgusting.
Message 4 of 8
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Re: Katie Hopkins detained in SA

I am sure, She was taken into an Office & spoken to, when She entered the Country -

about certain 'False' articles on SA, She'd written




But She always plays the Victim and sees her self as a martyr


She was called out about some outrageous Racist comments in an article of Hers, that She then repeated and expanded on, on her LBC Radio show, She was sacked


She put this picture on her twitter account in response



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Re: Katie Hopkins detained in SA


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Re: Katie Hopkins detained in SA

You would imagine that they would be glad to see the back of her, instead of detaining her and giving more credence to her views.

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Katie Hopkins detained in SA

She looks better in the second picture.😁

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