Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?



The 'lying' British mum who used a student loan to take her son to join ISIS is jailed for six years. (usually half that sentence will be served).


Tareena Shakil, 26, took her son with her to Syria and joined Islamic State funded the trip with her student loan. She told her family she was going on a beach holiday to Turkey. Oh dear that far with a toddler.


The judge said: ''she had told ''lie after lie'' and displayed no signs of remorse for her actions.  And knew that the future which you had subjected your son to was very likely to be indoctrination and thereafter life as a terrorist fighter'' (the child is not allowed to make a ''choice''when it grows up then?) No, of course not. She told her father (who says its all a set up Man Wink)  she wanted to become a martyr.  


No. The sentence is WRONG. And I think innocent people need to be protected by locking her and her likes up for for at least 20 - years. And then deport her back to where she would seek paradise. This sentence is a reward IMO, because I doubt she will work again? And surely she will be rehoused. I would guess some of her family will. Even ''mouthy'' dad.   


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Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?

Hopefully the sentence is severe enough to deter others from doing what she did - even more the fact that she returned may well make others think before doing the same.


I don't really see how a sentence of 20 years would be any more effective than the 6 years she's been given - it would certainly cost a lot more.


As for going on holiday to Turkey I know numerous people who have done so including many years ago ourselves with our daughter when she was three, it's only a four hour flight.  Turkey is a beautiful country with some fabulous beaches and very friendly people.

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Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?

Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?



They're still deluded enough to think that it's possible to turn Adolf Hitler into Mother Teresa, with TLC & re-education.

Message 3 of 7
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Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?

How do you explain the success of schemes like the Clink Restaurant?




"The aim is simple - to reduce re-offending rates, which on average hover below 50 per cent, but at less than 10 per cent among the more than 100 released prisoners who have so far trained in Clink restaurants."

Message 4 of 7
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Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?

If my memory, from 15 years as a prison officer, serves me correctly; the Prison service cherry pick which inmates are likely to do well on schemes like this; before putting them on the scheme........the rest didn't get a look in ( especially those that stood no chance of succeeding ).......amazing how you can make things look good, when you have the power to manipulate and control them.........but hey !! what would I know about it.

Message 5 of 7
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Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?

There certainly has to be an element of that but the link I gave does highlight a prisoner that was already a repeat offender, there are more on the charity's website.


This is not something new and the figures are based on prisoners that have been released over a number of years.


What such schemes does show is that, as you acknowledge, they can succeed even if the participants are cherry picked - that has to make them worthwhile.



Message 6 of 7
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Just what is wrong with our Judiciary?

Yes, of course, every one that sees the futility / error of their ways and moves on; to do something with their lives, is a success.  However, I found, in my time, that the fastest and most long lasting cure; was when the people themselves woke up and changed. The catalyst for that was ( when and if it did happen ) different things for different people, sometimes having a child and being needed by somebody to provide for them; did it. Sometimes, the death of a family member, so they moved up the chain of responsibility did it...........but if a helping hand does the trick; then why not. There are some though, that are just bad to the bone.......as I'm sure we all know.......only too well.

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