Is the new Labour leader a beacon for the future?

Watching the announcement confirming Jeremy Corbyn as the new labour leader I wondered whether this signalled a real change in politics in the UK or simply a backlash over the move to the centre under Tony Blair. In a funny kind of way we have someone more closely allied to Michael Foot with his down to earth no nonsense politics perhaps things have changed and voters will embrace Corbyn's brand of socialism. Sadly he is a strong supporter of comprehensive education an experiment which failed miserably in the last century so why go back down that route. Nationalisation of the railways is another confusing look back at the past and is unlikely to benefit many. There will be huge defence savings of course as we undertake unilateral disarmament and loyal soldiers get taken to court for war crimes. But there will be free tuition fees, free collective bargaining, cheaper private rentals and many many more great give aways. Good Luck to him this is either a new dawn or the end of the only party to oppose conservatism. What do you think?

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Is the new Labour leader a beacon for the future?

An interesting collection in his Shadow Cabinet, The new Chancellor was widely predicted, can't help thinking that not many of his prime targets would stick around in the event if a Labour victory so we would still end up paying for austerity. But we do have galloping Diane Abbot which should signal more going to overseas aid, Lesbians are also caterered for proving that the gay vote counts, Hillary Benn continues the crusade of his late father who abandoned Wedgewood in favour of an enamel mug. Overall a mixed group of minority groups represented so that may at least prevent the SNP moving south into the northern Labour heartlands. 

Pas for all those who tread the middle ground it your turn in the wilderness.

Message 21 of 24
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Is the new Labour leader a beacon for the future?


We are many,They are few
Message 22 of 24
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Is the new Labour leader a beacon for the future?

@fallen-archie wrote:

An interesting collection in his Shadow Cabinet, The new Chancellor was widely predicted, can't help thinking that not many of his prime targets would stick around in the event if a Labour victory so we would still end up paying for austerity. But we do have galloping Diane Abbot which should signal more going to overseas aid, Lesbians are also caterered for proving that the gay vote counts, Hillary Benn continues the crusade of his late father who abandoned Wedgewood in favour of an enamel mug. Overall a mixed group of minority groups represented so that may at least prevent the SNP moving south into the northern Labour heartlands. 

Pas for all those who tread the middle ground it your turn in the wilderness.

Well, I don't wish to appear naively laid back about it all, but ... what can he actually do?  The Conservatives have a majority, Labour has been wiped out in Scotland, most of the MPs that did keep their Labour seats in England didn't vote for Corbyn so will probably rebel at every turn, etc.  Thus, unless his success somehow galvanises a huge following within the country that manages to make its voice heard in the election-free 4 yrs to follow, I can't see much changing really.


As I say, I may be underestimating the power of a leader of the opposition not supported by the bulk of his party members in the Commons, but from where I'm sitting it looks like an interesting choice but not a devastatingly potent one.  

Message 23 of 24
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Is the new Labour leader a beacon for the future?

I'm actually very glad that he got in, as it meant that Andy Burnham did not, which would have been the worst possible outcome for the country! Mr Burnham has already brought one town to rack and ruin, two more about to go under, not to mention a large amount of strain being put on the cities of Manchester and Salford, also the strain on my knees is really becoming a problem!


So for all the problems many Labour MPs have with him, I'm just very glad Phworbyn got the job!

Message 24 of 24
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