Is it a taboo subject??

Nobody seems to have started a thread re the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman from a suspected heroin overdose.

What I can't figure out is why all the accolades are coming in from the top actors of our time and yet nobody is saying, "He was a total waste of space for making himself a drug addict and the world is better off without him."

Or is it just me that wants to say that?



Steve ..... aka .... Disgusted of Blackburn.

Message 1 of 11
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Is it a taboo subject??

The thing that appals me is not that some junkie luvvie that I've never heard of has committed suicide, but that so many people in the media seem to think his drug habit is 'normal'.


The BBC are probably the worst, as usual, not surprisingly following their campaign for Nigella Lawson not to be prosecuted for her self-confessed crimes.


It just shows the weird world that they live in.

Message 2 of 11
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Glad to know I'm not the only one who hasn't heard of him.

Message 3 of 11
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Never heard of the man until his death hit the headlines, nor any of the reported films he featured in. Had he had some horrific accident I could understand the outpourings of grief from his peers, but that it was self-inflicted and due to a possible drug overdose, goes straight over my head.



Mister EMB

Message 4 of 11
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I must admit to not knowing the name but I recognised him from the screen snippet they showed of him as the bad guy in one of the Mission Impossible movies.

Message 5 of 11
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Is it a taboo subject??

I'd never heard of him either.


The BBC need taking in hand by someone, the luvvies and politicists are running the show at the moment.


They need to concentrate on NEWS, not the non-news they relish and they need to either take in hand or get rid of the pompous "correspondents" who waffle on for ages about their take on the situations. NEWS is news, the long drawn-out waffling belongs someplace else not on THE NEWS.


As to the death, the bloke was reported to have been found with a needle in his arm and around 70 packets of "stuff" believed to be Heroin were found in his apartment.


Although early deaths are tragic, when they're self-inflicted in that way it's difficult to feel sorrow for them but one feels for those they've left behind to pick up the pieces.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 6 of 11
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Is it a taboo subject??

@blackburn_stevie wrote:

Nobody seems to have started a thread re the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman from a suspected heroin overdose.

What I can't figure out is why all the accolades are coming in from the top actors of our time and yet nobody is saying, "He was a total waste of space for making himself a drug addict and the world is better off without him."

Or is it just me that wants to say that?



Steve ..... aka .... Disgusted of Blackburn.

He was probably a "high functioning" addict, just like alcoholics can be. In other words he could do his job without obvious impairment and appear to function "normally" to the outside world but was full of conflict inside.


Would you say the world is better off without alcoholics and prescription drug addicts? Same difference.



Message 7 of 11
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Is it a taboo subject??

For what it's worth, over here in the States this man's demise has prompted a number of heroin addiction epidemic news stories in the national media.  Generally, they're stating that, because of harsh competition and apparent ease of getting heroin into the country the dope dealers are making their products much purer and stronger than they used to be.    This is resulting in more people are dying because of the increased dosages they're giving themselves.


We don't have a chance!  Any time our flip-flopping governments (political administrations) declare war on anything, it's a forgone conclusion that we will lose!  We declared a "police action" in Vietnam (or whatever they called it) - you know what happened.  We declared war on poverty - people are out there today living in cardboard boxes, stealing hubcaps and digging through the trash at McDonalds.  And, oh yes, the war on drugs - don't ask!


It is an old and very common rumor here in the States that the CIA was supporting opium operations in Afghanistan while, at the same time, the DEA was trying to suppress them.  I've often wondered if the two groups ever exchanged gun fire with each other, or  even better, exchanged weapons releases from drones.   The drones would be interesting - seeing as how they're controlled from remote locations.  I can picture it now - two drone "drivers" sitting side by side, figuratively shooting at each other....


WHY does my head hurt?

Message 8 of 11
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Is it a taboo subject??

I never will understand why people think taking drugs& alcohol is cool, especially the so called celebrities . There is nothing more demeaning for the addict or the relatives of the addict to be found either dead or so out of control they are a danger to themselves & those around them.

Message 9 of 11
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Is it a taboo subject??

The reason no one started a thread is quite simply... no one knows who he is/was...


Ignore anything under this ^^^^^ line... It's just my signature....
Message 10 of 11
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Is it a taboo subject??

I barely knew who he was until the other day when I finally recognised him as he played Dusty the tornado chaser alongside Bill Paxton & others in the movie Twister years ago, which I absolutely loved...R.I.P 😞
Message 11 of 11
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