Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

My heart is breaking for the victims & survivers of Orlando & I would like to sell items & give the proceeds (less ebay & PayPal fees) to an acredited fund for the victims, does ebay have anything in place?

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

You need to ask on .com community page...they will know if there has been a fund set up or which charity is collecting for them.

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

Thankyou 🙂
Message 3 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

No matter what my views are on incidences such as this I feel it would be out of place for an international company such as eBay to be seen to be supporting one over another.  


There's a GoFundMe page here: 

where you'll be able to donate.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

@sam_in_barbate wrote:

My heart is breaking for the victims & survivers of Orlando & I would like to sell items & give the proceeds (less ebay & PayPal fees) to an acredited fund for the victims, does ebay have anything in place?

Why should eBay be doing anything for this?, they are a business and the event doesnt involve them

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

They have in the past, had let's call it a "Charity Promotion" for tragic events (say) Victims of flooding or a Tsunami...just wondering if they had kick started anything for Orlando.
Message 6 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

@sam_in_barbate wrote:
They have in the past, had let's call it a "Charity Promotion" for tragic events (say) Victims of flooding or a Tsunami...just wondering if they had kick started anything for Orlando.

I appreciate you want to donate in some way but the examples you've given - floods and tsunamis - are natural, not man-made- disasters.


The Orlando happening is enmeshed in political, religious, psychological and homophobic biases and not a good place for eBay to be seen openly siding.  And if they did - where would it end? How could they support selected events and exclude others? 



I believe eBay, as a company, should not become publicly involved. What they, or their employees, choose to do without making a song and dance about it is up to them.

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

Why not simply sell your items, and transfer your money to the gofundme account straight from your Paypal account?

Powered by cats Cat Happy
Message 8 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

The link to the official victim's fund is:


I was watching the interview of that woman who was saying her son's friends and boyfriend had made it out but not her son, and then she found out her son had been killed.


I was literally trembling and cried for about 10 minutes. It's absolutely awful.


I understand not liking other people (we all have people we can't stand) but I cannot imagine ever hating other people so much that I'd want to butcher them. It's just horrible.

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

@bristolsoapmaker wrote:

 I cannot imagine ever hating other people so much that I'd want to butcher them. It's just horrible.

That's because you're sane. These maniacs surely cannot be.


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 10 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

@023mjc wrote:

@bristolsoapmaker wrote:

 I cannot imagine ever hating other people so much that I'd want to butcher them. It's just horrible.

That's because you're sane. These maniacs surely cannot be.

Sanity is a state of mind that exists only in others. Sanity is subjective. With very few exceptions we all believe ourselves to be sane, right and correct in our beliefs, no matter how whacky, weird or off the wall an observer deems them to be. This does not mean I condone violence or cruelty. 


And I think I'd better stop spouting as I'm sure I could be easily misunderstood here. There's too much to say and it's not really suitable fodder for an eBay discussion board.

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

@bristolsoapmaker wrote:


I understand not liking other people (we all have people we can't stand) but I cannot imagine ever hating other people so much that I'd want to butcher them.

I can.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

Photobucketwave wave Grannie

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

@right-then-petal wrote:

Photobucketwave wave Grannie


You lookin' at me????


Inappropriate response and smiley    Woman Embarassed

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????


Message 15 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

It sounds like you've been playing in the catnip...

Message 16 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

Excuse me being a bit slow, and I have every sympathy for the victims, but I can't understand why the survivors need money collected.


The survivors of natural disasters I can see need money for new homes and infrastructure, but I presume the people involved in this incident were already settled before it happened and nothing in that way has changed.

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

Here's another thread dumped here from elsewhere.


Before calling for donations from "ordinary" people, they should look to those causing such happenings, the National Rifle Association who lobby for freedom to own whatever type of guns people fancy.


Before anyone is allowed to have any weapon, the first question should be "Have you any legitimate use for that weapon?"


A semi automatic gun (of any sort) only has a use for killing people, they're not the weapon of choice for serious hunters. On that score they shouldn't be available for public ownership.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

I'm afraid the meek won't inherit the earth, any more than good will triumph over evil..........because evil has no boundaries and no parameters and will do whatever it takes; with no compassion or remorse. A shame, because one produces a world worth living in and the other certainly doesn't.................but the answer is being prepared to do whatever it takes and that in itself, requires a mindset that is not compatible with a peaceful constitution.

Message 19 of 21
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Re: Is ebay doing anything for the victims of Orlando ????

I assume to help pay for things like funerals, a memorial service, grief counselling, mortagages and bills, extortionate hospital bills and medical care which isn't free in the US etc. that perhaps families don't have money to pay for themselves, or now can't pay because the primary earner is dead.


Fun stuff like that.

Message 20 of 21
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