How can you tell off from on.

Treading very carefully I wonder if anyone can explain this off topic business. I fully appreciate that a thread can be misdirected and lose its way when some smart Alec comment is made and yet how often have you been involved in a conversation which has suddenly changed course only to come back on track further down the line. In a way it's a bit like chatting away when suddenly there is a bang outside, you rush to the window and see the wind has blown over an advertising hoarding, so you all settle back into the conversation.

Then we have differing opinions on thread content, some ignore most and concentrate solely on Grammar or innuendo, punctuation etc

isn't that all perfectly normal? Some topics can wear a straight jacket others it is more difficult. Imposing tight restrictions may help a thread to concentrate on a narrow subject but is it absolutely essential to the well being of a broad based community, heck I don't know.

Message 1 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

a purple turtle

Message 21 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

The moderator illusion curve 

Message 22 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

The pedantic halfwit

Message 23 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

The I in me

Message 24 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

The just chatting vs the really important tangent thread

Message 25 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

I dont understand its not about me

,the words dont make sense so onbviously

Preparing your answer to the upmost degree

now here is your a warning as 4 not happy

Message 26 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

Best not to, Suzie. It'll scramble your brain.


Message 27 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

I'm just a poor old man

My legs are grey

My ears are gnarled

My eyes are old and bent

Message 28 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.


Message 29 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

@quantum451 wrote:

Best not to, Suzie. It'll scramble your brain.


Smiley LOL  You're right, I'll stick to Grouse and water!

All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 30 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

I suppose the bio us answer to the OP would be to smell it.
Message 31 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

As only 7 or 8 regular posters now haunt this void ,it is obviously the way  to debate and a mass of mulling intellectual locking  brains  from afar they travel to stay in your guidelines ?


 The most comments on and about other posters posts being not on the  TOPIC CRITERIA are by far the most off topic  and that is where the guideline is (supposed to be) implemented to stop personal effergies (as a post commenting on a posters post is a personal and blatant arrogant insinuation that the person not only understood a post but disproves of the posting)


Now I  know for a fact no one understood a word of my post  (the point ) so can not for one second say it was on or off,those who did comment (again) just show how and why .


You really need to read the title ..ebay cafe ,round table,where you can talk about anything in any way you see fit  just no personal in reality round a table 3 folk can discuss the universe whilst 2 talk about the new car and tuther gets beer....ON topic of course .


You guys know what and who you are ...yes ?  🙂





Message 32 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

@joamur_gosof wrote:


Now I  know for a fact no one understood a word of my post  (the point ) so can not for one second say it was on or off,those who did comment (again) just show how and why .


Or to be perfectly honest, any of them. Sorry.

Message 33 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

exactly .. apologise ??/  I don't post on here to have recognition I just like to say hi to the mods now and again ...nice to see a zero feedback back in the arena though . How can you say anything about something you don't understand ...yet there you go ,and that is about as off topic as you can get . AND that is how you can tell off from on .


Message 34 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

Very true sir/madam, as you rightly point out - and full marks for observation btw - zero feedback. However, I do have over 870 on my buying/selling account. WOW !

Message 35 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

Not applicable
highjack allert photo: highjack oie_hijack.gif
Message 36 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

My dads got 375000 feedback cause he owns tescos

Message 37 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

East is East and West is West,
Though this may not seem relevant.
We all know how to milk a cow,
But you can't **** about with an elephant.

Smiley Happy

Message 38 of 48
See Most Recent

Re: How can you tell off from on.

East is West and South is North
And I will say this only once
Before anyone doth scuttle forth
Check your brain is in your bunce
Message 39 of 48
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Re: How can you tell off from on.

worms out cupboard thread ? 

Message 40 of 48
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