Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Alfie Evans? What's your thoughts and opinions about what's transpired?


Me? I think they should let go.


Those "protesters" need taking in hand, trying to "storm the hospital" is just not on. Mind you, I think the whole issue around "protesters" or "activists" need radical changes to Laws revolving around the issue. They cause far too much trouble and cause far too much police time and money to be wasted trying to keep them in order.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

@cee-dee wrote:

Alfie Evans? What's your thoughts and opinions about what's transpired?


Me? I think they should let go.


Those "protesters" need taking in hand, trying to "storm the hospital" is just not on. Mind you, I think the whole issue around "protesters" or "activists" need radical changes to Laws revolving around the issue. They cause far too much trouble and cause far too much police time and money to be wasted trying to keep them in order.

I agree.


All those damned protesters years ago wanting slavery abolished.  They should have been chained in the fields


And as for those pesky women folk wanting the vote !!!!!  They should have been chained to their sinks washing their men's clothes and cooking their dinners where they belong.


And as for these homosexual types wanting to be treated like the rest of us!!  Huh !!!  They should be made tro fall in love wththe right sort of person.


And what about those idiot protesters who wanted to make sending children to school compulsory!!  Don't they know that without children working in our factories for 16 hours a day the cost of our manufactured goods will increase !!!



All these protesters need taken care of !!!!



Message 2 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

I have huge sympathy for anyone facing the loss of a child, my young sister lost a little girl through cot death! I think the problem here is the publicity received by the parents, in part of there own making and the offer of a potential for life extension from abroad. We have a sad trend in the uk of not believing the advice of those who know best, that child we are told will never recover or stand the chance of a normal life,
If that is the case and the courts suggest that it is why allow the suffering to continue, no one wishes to be responsible for a loss of life however in this instance there is nothing that can be done.
As for the behaviour of those storming the hospital, why have they been whipped up into a frenzy, they can’t blame the Sun because no one in Liverpool reads it, The church is a possibility however on balance I would suggest that there has always been a mob mentality in the City and an underclass of folk who feel that everyone is against them! Poorly educated highly charged and in need of some love.
Message 3 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

@fallen-archie wrote:
 however in this instance there is nothing that can be done.
But isn't that what they said about that little boy who had a brain tumour ?  Shame on me - I've forgotten his name.  The one who's parents caused a storm by taking him out of the hospital to have treatment abroad.
They said he had no hope, but since having the treatment he's fully recovered. Maybe that's why the parents don't believe the prognosis they've been given.  They certainly don't want to believe it.
There are many treatments available for many illnesses, but NICE says it's too expensive.

crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 4 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Do you mean Ashya King?


If so, that wasn't the same argument. His doctors wanted to start chemo and radiotherapy and his parents (who are JWs) didn't agree. They took him abroad but but were caught. The lad eventually had surgery here to remove his tumour, he then had more treatment abroad,


The lad is in remission at the moment but there's no telling if the tumour will come back.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 5 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

As far as I can gather there's no hope for the baby, he won't be able to eat or do anything for himself.

 I can't blame the parents for fighting but they need to listen to advice.




Message 6 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

@023mjc wrote:

@fallen-archie wrote:
 however in this instance there is nothing that can be done.
But isn't that what they said about that little boy who had a brain tumour ?  Shame on me - I've forgotten his name.  The one who's parents caused a storm by taking him out of the hospital to have treatment abroad.
They said he had no hope, but since having the treatment he's fully recovered. Maybe that's why the parents don't believe the prognosis they've been given.  They certainly don't want to believe it.
There are many treatments available for many illnesses, but NICE says it's too expensive.

So what are you suggesting?  Should cost not be considered?

Message 7 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Let Him pass on


Religious Nuts and conspiricy loons are the people demonstrating,

Tons of crazy conspiricy stories, have been spread across Social media

That the reason theres so many scallies outside the Hospital

Message 8 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Not applicable

I have not followed the case, but heard about it from my eldest daughter yesterday.

I feel that if another hospital in another country, in this case Italy, wants to give the boy a chance then that should be granted. Why won't they allow that?

I always struggle with these kind of cases as they will not allow euthanasia here in England when someone is dying with a terminal illness like cancer, but they will switch off the life support for this boy....................................................I don't get that.Smiley Mad



Message 9 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Emotive subject, what say YOU?

DH -  this may help explain why there is no hope and the doctor's know that even a trip down the road (never mind a long journey by air / pressurised cabin etc) would be plainly cruel given the constant interventions required to keep him alive and pain free in the hospital which would have to be at least curtailed / interrupted for any such journey.




For whatever reason, the father simply does not want to accept that his son is not lying there just waiting to come home nor is Alfie 'communicating' with him.  I have found it really uncomfortable listening to even short clips of his statements and behaviour as he really doesn't show any understanding that his son is not a possession to enhance his self-image.


As in the case of Charlie Gard, the doctors from overseas who claim they can treat these cases need to be intensively screened because all too often, the claims are frankly misleading at best, bogus and with an ulterior motives at worst.


eg Why could that Itaian doctor simply not come over to Alder Hey to sit down with the UK specialist and the parents to discuss this and even carry out the treatment in the hospital where he is?


Once the child has left the country, the UK has no jurisdiction over how the child is treated / mistreated and frankly, neither do the parents if the receiving country's medics so decide.


@023mjc  The situation is totally different and cee-dee has given most relevant info, but essentially the difference is that one child had lived longer - and his brain had developed through early childhood - and a tumour is not the same as the condition that effectively 'mashes' what little early brain tissue Alfie was born with.




I'd strongly recommend reading this article too which gives a more informed report of key (largely un / misreported at the time) facts.





As for the protestors, and the father ramping up the protests, as with Charlie Gard, it is truly appalling to see these people jumping on the bandwagon to have the opportunity to harrass and intimidate innocent people including dedicated NHS staff.


As with GOSH, consideration for other patients and their families at Alder Hey is being totally ignored to the point where their suffering and distressed is cruelly intensified.


They haven't bothered to learn the facts and take compassionate action to truly support the parents to come to terms with their tragic situaion.


This is not about protesting an injustice which should be challenged - this is about nothing more than utterly selfish stupid people getting off on getting angry and it is not OK.


My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
Message 11 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

He will no longer be the focus of religious nuts, conspiracy spreaders and Scouse scallies


He passed away at 2am

Message 12 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

cryVery Sad To Hear Alfie Has Now Passed Away, R I P Alfie

Message 13 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Peace at last for the wee one!
Message 14 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Its very sad, but now little Alfie is freed from his non-life. The father, in his social media announcement referred to him as 'MY little gladiator '...speaks volumes about him doesn't it? Normally, when parents have lost a child they refer to the child as 'our'..child, but Mr Evans seems to want all the attention himself, without acknowledging the pain Alfie's Mum must be suffering.

Message 15 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Not applicable

RIP Alfie.


Losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to parents in my opinion.  I hope they will find some peace.

Message 16 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Unjustified comment in my opinion.


Kate posted, "My whole entire world I love you so much baby boy".


Does she want “all the attention” herself?


Of course not!!


Shame we can’t thumbs down posts.


Message 17 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Consider my post thumbed down Creeky..If that is what you would like to do. CeeDee asked a question in his original post, and I answered it, unjustified or not. I commented on the post that little Alfie's father made . I have not seen any comments posted anywhere by his poor mother, so I can't comment on them. The demonstrations outside the hospital have been distressing for staff and patients alike, and the abuse online and towards the hospital, doctors and staff has been appalling. The whole process has been undignified and unedifying, but utterly tragic.

Message 18 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

Not applicable


We all express them differently and not everyone can keep dignified or keep it “together”. Some people scream when they are frightened, some freeze, some people cry about everything, while for others tears are hard to come. Some of us will rebel and fight, while some will cower in a corner.

Who's to say how we will really react under times of extreme stress and trauma. We are not always ourselves in those situations.

My daughter lost her 10 month old baby girl in Alder Hey hospital 5 years ago.  My daughter wanted to kill the surgeon who made a fatal mistake. I could not say for sure if she wouldn't have ran him over if she'd seen him in the street. So..............................

The parents of Alfie have a long road ahead of them. And I wish them well and hope they can support each other through this difficult time.

Message 19 of 26
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Emotive subject, what say YOU?

I'd like to know who had the stupid idea to release all those balloons as some sort of 'tribute'.


Let us hope there are not too many deaths of wildlife as a result.

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 20 of 26
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