Easter eggs/are they a rip off.

A closer look atw hat looked fairly decent for £5, showed the egg to be nowhere near the size of the huge box it was in.

Are any of them worth the price?.



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Re: Easter eggs/are they a rip off.

I'd sooner pay a fiver many time sover , for some chocalte and lot of fancy packagaing 


 Than actually boil an egg , and paint a face on it by hand , where do people get the time for that nowadays ! 




 Lifes ar ebusier than ever now , what with part time jobs , tax credits and zero hour contracts , not to mention queing up down the foodbank , and rushing home to catch the latest on SKY , 


 Not to mention keeping up to date with the hundreds of freinds people have nowadays ,and all their activities 





I been 12 years on ebay and had 1000's of sales and I trust people more than ever now
Message 21 of 25
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Re: Easter eggs/are they a rip off.

Zero hour contracts...I have always worked zero hour contracts, even before they were named as such. They were brilliant...gave me power to decline work I did not want....but zero hours was a bit of a misnomer...I often worked more than 100 hours a week and never less than 70.
Message 22 of 25
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Re: Easter eggs/are they a rip off.

I don't eat chocolate either, don't like it at all.

Message 23 of 25
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Re: Easter eggs/are they a rip off.

I wouldn't, I would rather give the kids the £5, which is what I did.Woman LOL

Message 24 of 25
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Re: Easter eggs/are they a rip off.

Cadburys eggs are only usually just over a £1 [£1.30 this year] so you don't have to spend loads to get an egg. Even the larger ones were only £3 in morrisons. I like an egg a bars just not the same

No sig can't be bothered.
Message 25 of 25
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