Austerity comes to the £135,000 pa judges

The chill waters of austerity are lapping around the ankles of the judiciary — and they’re not happy. As free Sky TV is axed from the 32 grace-and-favour pads occupied by £135,000-per-annum circuit judges, one whinges to The Times (£) that their free booze and flowers could be next!

We have had a pay freeze reducing our pay and now this petty imposition by Grayling, again without any consultation. It is the thin end of the wedge — next will be our cars, drinks entertaining and flowers. We must resist this at all costs.”


Grab your wigs and man the barricades lads

We are many,They are few
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Austerity comes to the £135,000 pa judges

"To lose your Sky sub is bad enough; to lose it a month before the start of England's defence of the Ashes in Australia is insupportable."


Woman LOL




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