Any Music historians here?

A little story from many years back.


I worked in a toolroom and the shop steward was on a milling machine. He was always whistling and the tune was always Lily Bolero (or Lilibulero, call it what you will). He had been in the Navy but the tune isn't a Navy tune?


Now, who's familiar with O'Sullivans March? Do you find the tunes somewhat similar? The tunes are from "different" sides are they not?


Similar vein.... Working in a different toolroom, there was an ancient hacksaw machine which had definitely seen better days, nearly worn out. You clamped a bar of metal in the vice, started it up and left it to get on with cutting the bar. When it was finished, it was supposed to (hyraulically) lift up and stop. Sometimes it did but the hydraulics were failing and although it lifted and stopped, the saw gradually sank down. At other times, due to the failing hydraulics, instead of completely cutting through the bar, the cut bit didn't "fall off", it was nearly so but was left hanging by a thin bit of metal and the saw then continued cutting in to the end of the cut bit, that is, if whoever had started it didn't get back to it quick enough.


Anyway, as it was reciprocating, it made a regular noise like clack-clack-clack-clack-clack interspersed with clack-clack-claaaaack-clack-claaaaack...... The chap nearest to the machine was using a centre lathe and he was a whistler too but in time with the saw, he whistled Yankee Doodle...... all day long.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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Any Music historians here?

It reminds me of mornings after a night's work.


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