About this Clarkson row

What the smeg is going on?

It's a TV show, not a live broadcast.If there's a major issue, just edit it out before the final take. Problem solved.

So then the story is leaked to the newspapers, etc.

I think the report isn't so much about Clarkson's antics but more about Top Gear and he BBC's inability to control a leak.

By the way ....... 'Morning all

Message 1 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

Since you've asked (you did didn't you?) I think it's high time Clarkson was given his marching orders.


He comes over as a loud-mouthed yob and his antics give impressionable young drivers the wrong ideas about driving.


He's had his day, his time has come, time to move on with something and someone different.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row


Hi Steve.


I think the  BBC should realise that Top Gear is supposed to be about cars ~ not Jeremy Clarkson. Sadly, it's hasn't gone that way. The programme has turned into some kind of slapstick show with Jeremy playing the fool. Not sure what he's supposed to have done,  or said, this time but it appears to be serious, especially after so many warnings.

Message 3 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

Steve from what I've heard, it was nothing to do with anything that happened during filming. Something to do with him not getting his food (either on time, or the food he asked for), that caused him to stamp his foot, throw a wobbly, and punch a producer. As I say, I think that was the problem, but don't quote me on that. because it may not be true.


For my part I fail to see the attraction of 'Top Gear', nor the reason why it attracts the viewing figures that it does. Petrol Heads waffling on about cars and the speed they go, bores me rigid.

Mister EMB

Message 4 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

never watch it,but if he go,s can they take j byle and rinder  as well and give us all a breakSmiley Very Happy

Message 5 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

Like it or not Top Gear has a huge worldwide audience, it's popularity enrages many journalists and Liberal do gooders simply because the presenters act around like se do. You are not forced to watch and I'm not sure they should be required to act in a particular way or speak in a manner that gains minority approval on here.
Message 6 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

if he threw a Punch he should go and be charged with assault.Smiley LOL

Message 7 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

I agree with Archie.

Message 8 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

It seems that he appeals to people of similar atttude to him.


I guess some won't bother to read any of the following links but I'll post 'em anyway:-







It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 9 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

Well I did bother to read all three links, The unlucky surrounding both women both seeking to write a reveal all book and yet both still claiming to Love him, I am not inclined to dislike him on that basis. That he threw a punch is more serious however James May has already stated that the description did not fit his actions and as yet there has been no official report to clarify what went on.
So his followers must be like him, what an ill considered response that is. You can wax and wane on about the final frontier and have a stimulating though too technical debate enjoyed by some, that's fine and I have no problem with you doing that So why must you stiffen your nasal hair when others enjoy a bit of Tom foolery😄
Message 10 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

The reason is his actions and attitude are irresponsible, ignorant and yobbish plus his driving demonstrations encourage similar actions on the road, copied there by young drivers of similar attitude, it all going way beyond tom-foolery.


Lower down the page of the first link is a list of gaffes, they make "interesting" reading.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 11 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

I agree with Archie.

Message 12 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

Well he managed to trouser four million quid from auntie Beeb for flogging off his share in TG, so that alone means he doesn't have to raise a finger regarding work ever again, and can spend the rest of his life beetling around the local Park in his Noddy Car. That however won't be the case, because if the BBC do kick him into the long grass, he'll be inundated with not only offers in this country, but from around the world.


I suppose if he was a five year old, you'd say he was an obnoxious, and spoiled little brat.

Mister EMB

Message 13 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

Where is your evidence for that brash statement, cast your mind back to the Sixties souped up Anglias, minis, etc wide wheels, straight through exhausts, twin carbs, lowered suspension, no air bag, no power steering, rubbish brakes, a motorway with no speed limit, on the M1 no crash barriers, and No Clarkson, yet hold on a minute, youths got in their bangers and drove like idiots, many died in horrific accidents. Perhaps your driving did not match this 👏 doubtless your Alvis cruised nicely at 40 mph and you were happy, Others raced around , each to their own. I think we should reincarnate Raymond Baxter, bet you liked him😇
Message 14 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

To get your Anglia or Mini to achieve any sort of "performance" you had to do quite a bit of work to it. The Peco vroom-box may have sounded the part but added little or nothing to the performance in contrast to the "proper" silencer from British Leyland Special Tuning which just happened to be more than a quarter of the price of a vroom-box too!


People who had "hot" Anglias and Minis were well aware of the limitations of the spec which is why they improved the handling along with the performance and didn't have tyres down to the cords and instead had their wide wheels shod with new G800s or Cints.


Today, you can buy small cars which, although several years old but in absolutely "straight out of the showroom" spec would have left hotted Anglias and Minis almost standing still.


To get a Mini to "go", it wasn't too hard. An MG1100 head, a BL 731 cam, a pair of short-ram 1½ inch SUs, a BL 3-branch with 1½ pipe to a BL box which fits in exactly the same place as the original silencer, not a vroom-box hanging down underneath will all make it go quite well. If you want to do a bit more twiddling for a few more BHP, you could gas-flow the head and fit big inlet valves and while you'd got the engine out fitting the cam, fit a Duplex timing chain and a lightened steel flywheel.


The brakes? A bit more work needed, easy way was a pair of Cooper S driveshafts and discs.


Nowadays, lads want to just buy an old Golf or Astra and drive like loonies as soon as they get it.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 15 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

You see😄 gotcha, it is true, my Healey was a scary car to drive but is a moped by caparison with today's motors. All True Cd and nothing to do with Clarkson. Not sure British Leyland was there wasn't it BMC and yes the performance was limited but so too the handling.
So did you have an Alvis a Bristol or a Sunbeam Stiletto😄
Message 16 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

It's not about whether you want to watch any programme or not but about the repeated problems with this person that the BBC keep having to deal with and the fall-out is getting beyond what they can continue to accept.


He was already on an official warning over his behaviour regarding the racist comment and just because he seems to attract some kind of (to me) mindless following, he has not just outgrown this programme, he has outgrown himself.


He is an arrogant and unpleasant character - an old slob at best. 


He is very happy to continue not just courting controversy, but setting it up in mountain-sized events which then leaves people more than a bit upset, leaves the BBC to have to find ways to appease those he has deliberately and calculatedly offended and believes the world loves him so much that he can continue to do it.


It's not about a few people in here being offended but the damage he does, worldwide - he is in a priviledged position and does not have the right to run his bulldozer personality over anyone he thinks he can look down on.


He's raking in the millions being utterly offensive and never having to pay for his actions.


A great pity that the Argentinian racket didn't go badly wrong for him - may have taught him a very much needed lesson.


Yes it is the most successful selling programme around the world, but it's going to have to come to an end sooner or later because he cannot keep going for ever (he should have stopped going 10 years ago) and because he will allow no new talent who might become the new leading producer in time and give the show a fresh and refreshing impetus.


My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
Message 17 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

As I understand it, he threw a punch .. but whether it landed on the unfortunate intended recipient or not is unclear.  The reason he became agitated appears to be the intended recipient had failed to make any arrangements for any of the cast or crew to eat after a long days' filming.  Reason enough to be annoyed, I'd say, though, naturally, hitting out is not the answer.


I'm not interested in cars at all, but I happen to really enjoy most of the TG episodes.  JC is great in the role of host, IMV.  I believe his contract expires in a month, so the outcome of this may not matter anyway.  Could it be a publicity ploy by the programme makers?


I do think the BBC is somewhat two-faced to blow up a minor, behind-the-scenes argument into a major kerfuffle.  When you think of the behaviour they have let happen in the past without batting an eyelid, never mind handing out a suspension ... 



Message 18 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

Aerne, you weren't there when I was composing.


As you can see, we hold completely opposite views.  He may be a bigoted bore in RL, but he has made TG hugely successful.  Do you think the Argentinian problems were of his making?  Surely the producers OK'd everything in advance?  And I suspect they edited to exaggerate the threat to life and limb anyway.  


He doesn't toe the PC line, that's for sure.  But taking offence is a choice ... 

Message 19 of 81
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Re: About this Clarkson row

The 60's was the time of take-overs and mergers, BMC went through BMH and then it was British Leyland.


It was Special Tuning which supplied parts derived from BMC competition cars.


What it has to do with Clarkson is the attitude. In the 60s, you might have ogled hot cars and parts in Cars and Car Conversions but the cars the average young bloke could afford just wouldn't "perform" as bought.


Today, like I said, you can buy a cheap old car which would easily outpace most of those hotted cars of the 60s and driven by those emulating things they do on TG are sure to lead to a wreck before long.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 20 of 81
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