25-09-2024 8:09 PM
Around 4 weeks ago when i clicked on my username then, shop i got a blue banner message "this shop has no inventory available in your location"
I noticed my sales had gone less and i believe this maybe the issue. Even now when i click on it, its the same. Sometimes if i click several times 20 items may show up, then all of a sudden all, then again all vanished. I am also finding it hard to find my listings in the search engine, basically not all are showing. Spoken to ebay 4 times and I have been told its a technical bug, a ticket has been raised. Any advice on this as its really taking the *bleep*. All my listings are promoted to
26-09-2024 9:25 AM
Hi @bromotorsport ,
There is an open ticket for this issue with tech at the moment. They are currently working on it to resolve. I'll make sure your account is added to the ticket.
Thank you,
01-10-2024 4:22 PM
Thanks. Just to let you know today i noticed it said 8 items in stock, wheras I have 130+
Its still not sorted
01-10-2024 4:55 PM
Hi @bromotorsport ,
I'm afraid I don't have a timescale on this at the moment. Its being worked on by tech. Once there is an update on a fix I will let you know.
Thank you,
26-10-2024 3:38 PM
Has it been fixed? I guess its going to take a couple of years?
27-10-2024 12:36 AM
I often see this message when viewing listings on eBay.co.uk - I find changing the .co.uk to .com or another like .com.hk or .com.sg usually works.
It's how I've managed to find some rare CDs!
30-10-2024 9:27 PM
31-10-2024 10:50 PM
02-11-2024 3:29 PM
Hi , can you get someone to look into this for me marco@ebay, see pics attached it is having a dentrimental affect on my sales , says shop sold out, no inventory in my location . I have 246 listings, when you click shop some times says only 210 listings and some times 224when i have checked externally . Also when you click on one of my listings and sellect sellers other items it shows as 0 and when i checked on a friends account it wasn't even showing 50 listings , any help would be appreciated
04-11-2024 5:03 PM
04-11-2024 9:16 PM
Seems like ebay customer service has no answer and are just ignoring this situation. 3 months ago someone said 24/48hrs. I been ringing them every week, same replies and same resolution
Mine today:
04-11-2024 9:18 PM
Still the same. 3 months into 30-40 calls to ebay