Unable to adjust images

For over a week I haven't been able to adjust any of my images. I can add or delete, but the facility to alter images has disappeared. Tried everything I can think of cookies, change of browser etc. Has this facility been removed or is this another glitch. I'm on a laptop normally using windows edge.

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Unable to adjust images

Try clicking or double clicking in the upper left corner of the image to enable to edit menu.

Message 2 of 6
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Unable to adjust images

Tried and I'm afraid it doesn't work. The trash can appears but not the edit menu. 

So there is still the ability to edit images and its just not appearing for me.

Message 3 of 6
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Unable to adjust images

It may be browser issue, switch to Chrome and try with a laptop from there.



Message 4 of 6
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Unable to adjust images

Tried all the usual stuff - cookies, browser etc and it hasn't made any difference. I can get the trash can but not the edit. It disappeared when ebay changed how we access the delete all facility. 

Message 5 of 6
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Unable to adjust images

How bizarre,  I'm on a laptop with Chrome and just managed a ' test run' to lighten / change contrast and size of picture, I did have to click twice on my dustbin icon for the icons to appear beneath.


  No idea  why a desktop browser and Chrome will not work for you.


Hopefully , a more techy person than myself will come along with an answer 🤔



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