Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....



This is an observation on Friday 14.12.2023


Using the Seller Hub page today I noticed that the width of the Status list drop-down now seems to take its width from the selected item rather than all the content.

"So what?" you may ask.


Prior to today the list normally looked like this, regardless of what status you were looking at you could see the status and count for each: -


status drop down - awaiting24.jpg


Each status was visible along witht the relevant count. Easy/straightforward/understandable.


But since Thursday night I see that selecting a status, even the All Orders, can significantly reduce your ability to work out what is going on.

E.g. select All Orders ....


status drop down - all orders.jpg

As you can see, you can no longer see the count (or meaningful status names) for most of the other labels, just a first few characters and then trailing dots.


I have checked on latest Chrome and FireFox builds and the results are consistent.

Maybe this 'enhancement' was explained somewhere but must have missed the info. If someone can enlighten me I would be most grateful.

Message 1 of 8
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Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....

Hi ccla3379, thanks for your post.


I've reviewed this for you again, and this wouldn't be a technical issue. Also, the issue wouldn't be related to your device or browser, this is the way the website works at the moment. I appreciate this is a change this you don't like, so I will pass on this as a feedback, so it can be taken into consideration for future updates. 


Thank you,


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Message 2 of 8
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Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....

It looks like someone has changed the display column width - not because it needed changing and not because there was anything wrong with the previous column width, but because someone has played around with it.


The Live site, in case you were unaware, is used for testing. It's possible this is a test so the previous version may well reappear in a day or two. It's also possible that the previous version may reappear at a random time in future when the previous rather than current version of the code is used to try and 'fix' something entirely unrelated.


Meantime you'll just have to accept that it is "working as designed"...


Message 3 of 8
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Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....

I'll have another go..................


When the hub first appeared it was generally despised. But many said you can change lots of things to suit what you want. Possible adjustments are all being eroded away - leaving what? The thing that many never liked in the first place.


I'll leave it at that.

Message 4 of 8
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Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....

marco@ebay wrote:

Hi ccla3379, thanks for your post.


I've reviewed this for you again, and this wouldn't be a technical issue. Also, the issue wouldn't be related to your device or browser, this is the way the website works at the moment. I appreciate this is a change this you don't like, so I will pass on this as a feedback, so it can be taken into consideration for future updates. 


Thank you,


A change that "you don't like"??  Oh, come on, that's worse than an apology from a politician in a Covid enquiry.  It's obviously not as the original designer intended, and has been broken by someone tinkering.  There is no way in any sane person's imagination that the new way of displaying it, truncating the legends, can be seen as desirable.


Please reinstate it.  And at least have the courtesy to say this is an unintended change, not "a change that you don't like", as if the fault is in our aesthetic appreciation or something.  It's REDUCED FUNCTIONALITY, it's BROKEN.  And instead of telling us it's a change we don't like, you should be thanking us for coming here and helping ebay fix problems by flagging up regressions like this.


If regressions aren't technical issues, where should we be reporting them?

Message 5 of 8
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Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....

"this is the way the website works at the moment"


It's not working. Maybe the next moment.

Message 6 of 8
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Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....

Dear Marco,

Thanks for looking at this - I know you have a very difficult (impossible?) job and this is probably the most stressful time of year.

I can muddle on - it doesn't take long to pickup the muscle memory to pick the widest ("Awaiting dispatch - send it in the next 24 hours", or as it currently appears "Awaiting dispatch - sen..." ) option first and then the other options become visible.

But when the dust settles, it would be good if you could trace-back this change and see what rationale was behind it, how it became a thing.

I infer 'user testing' isn't part of the development/test lifecycle before it goes onto the live platform, which I think is a pitty as the folks doing the 'Move Fast and Break Things' are not the same set of folks who have to answer the support calls or workout how to find options which have gone/moved.

If I could make a plea for anything, could we have some real users have a look at the changes before they are rolled out? or earlier in the lifecycle if it makes sense to avoid wasted development effort.

For now I have put this on my list for Santa along with world peace and some satsumas for my stocking.

I wish you all the best - and don't party too hard!

Chris C.

Message 7 of 8
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Seller Hub - Status Drop-down change ....


Good News!!  (probably)


I just noticed that the drop-down has gone back to how it used to be ... I call that a win.

Hopefully it can stay like this for a while.


update - may be fixed again 13.01.2024 perhaps.jpg

marco@ebayif you get a chance to find out if this was an intended correction please pass back thanks to the developers (but don't let them off fixing images on variants as I guess that is affecting a lot lot more people at present!)


Have a great weekend.

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