Yet another fee

Regulatory operating fee

From 8 April 2024, we’re introducing a new regulatory operating fee that will apply to all sales from listings on the following sites: UK, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland. The regulatory operating fee is calculated as a fixed percentage rate of the total amount of the sale (which includes the item price, postage, taxes and any other applicable fees), and is subject to VAT.


0.35% but its another fee this is getting rediculous

Message 1 of 172
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171 REPLIES 171

Re: Yet another fee

HMRC seem to be a law unto themselves..............the next Post Office scandel?


"Take deep breaths, it'll soon be gone"

Message 161 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

my website is already constructed currently negotiating with google for advertising..guess what i get to keep a lot more of my selling price as profit currently before this new tax ebay is taking a 45% cut of my selling price i sell something for £8 and after ebay fees and postage and making the item i'm left with £0.99pence ...nah sorry ebay come april we're parting our ways

Message 162 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

i'd expect a bill i currently pay 50% HMRC tax and at the end of ech tax year get a tax rebate cos theyve overcharged me yet again but you cant appeal they just tell you its policy to make sure they get enough tax from you...wonderful £2.5K rebate back no interest paid..if i underpay they can charge me interest so i've saved havent i??

Message 163 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

suggest a car boot sale for you matey....

Message 164 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

Why wait until then?  Surely if the new one is so much better you should go now!

Message 165 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

@trevcald wrote:

suggest a car boot sale for you matey....

No love, I'm 66 and work full time

I'm not going to travel distances, put up trestle tables lay out stuff, sit in the rain and cold only to be offered £2 for a whole box of books, traders looting your car before you can empty it. Baby clothes that were pristine and worth about £10 that people would say 'Will you take a quid?'

And the best one ever was 'How much for the pram luv?' - The pram that had my 6 month old baby son sat in it!

The best ever ale I did was at Selby in 1993 and sold £50 worth of stuff, take off your pitch fee of £5 then travel 50 miles back home.

It's not for me any more

*If you want to make enemies, try to change something - Woodrow Wilson
*It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change - Charles Darwin
Message 166 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

"Ebay continues to bend over backwards to keep its shoppers"




Does he include giving them absurd FDDs and making the search ever more difficult to get sensible results out of, in that statement??

Message 168 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

"Ebay continues to bend over backwards to keep its shoppers"


Yes while similtaneously bending business sellers over in a different manner. 


I'm feeling a bit anti... going to channel this energy into something useful.  Like my website.

Message 169 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

This calculator is handy to work out the 0.35%, or set up an equation in a spreadsheet to work out your costs and profits.

Message 170 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

cash offers to sellers out of ebay will increase....

Message 171 of 172
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Re: Yet another fee

You're lucky you only got moaned at. Twice i have received short shrift from post office plonkers. First was that if i continue to bring in 2nd class prepaid post then when another customer comes in i will have to pick up my stuff and go to the back of the queue, second incident was in another post office where she whined about not making any money then i found out she was holding my parcels back from being sent out. I couldn't figure why everyone was complaining that stuff was taking so long then when i checked the tracking, it was showing the posted date up to 3-4 days after i actually posted it. That and their scales were out slightly and i foolishly marked the weight on a large jiffy bag at 400gms(2nd class up to 2kg so £2.90 piad back then) and her scales showed 402 grams so she threw it back at me and said she couldn't accept it. I soon put her smug smile right out of joint when i asked the lady at the next stall for a shot of her scissors and trimmed all the way around the jiffy bag to lighten it. result = 399gm. Oh boy was she mad! never went back to that dump again


Message 172 of 172
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