30-09-2024 2:01 PM
hi folks
i know alot of you will say yes it all heat of the moment , things said in haist
but ive been disrespected one last time by customer service
ive been on to them regarding issues over the last 1-2 months ive posted befor e about this
agents not calling back, playing call centre games with my call .
we today as im sill not sure whats happening with my private account i called again . getting an agent i explained ive been waiting for ebays to comment and fully understand the landscape changes tommorow but . IM still waiting for a resolution .
So first agent says a i UNDERSTAND ILL put you on to someone who can sort this out
so agent 2 comes on saying hi WHO are you your looking to increase the number of listings you are making ?
EH NO . Has the first agent just put me on to you as he didnt understand ?
Agent two maybe Yes i think he has
With the chance of being rude can i ask to speak to a more senior agent as i think you are having trouble understanding me and you me .
AGENT two NO sorry i cant as you have reached your 30 min call limit
SO i responded if i end this call today without a suitable explination or resolution . EBAY will never call me back so Where to go
AGENT TWO THANK YOU FOR YOUR call to ebay today have a god day . ENDED CALL
I great comedy sketch but not good interaction with a buisness
Solved! Go to Solution.
30-09-2024 6:19 PM
As advised, you can get quick and accurate answers to specific questions here in the forum. The Ebay Community Team also respond to questions in here if they are tagged in the thread.
I have had a look at the questions you have asked in here, and had a look at your account.
You asked why you could not send offers to people watching your items.
You can only send offers for fixed price/buy it now sales. All of your items are auctions so you can't send offers to watchers.
You asked why you are being charged 35p to list items.
I have had a look at your completed items (items sold and listed then cancelled.) You have at least 1700 completed items for September. Private sellers get 1000 free listings and then get charged 35p per listing when you have used the 1000 free listings. That applies whether you are listing new items or relisting items manually which have not sold.
30-09-2024 2:02 PM
May I ask what the issues are?
Perhaps somebody here can help.
30-09-2024 2:11 PM
@shave.india If you want a reply that actually makes sense and gives you a far stronger chance of actually resolving the problems you are experiencing then start a thread on the eBay Community Forum, giving us some background information as to the nature of the problem. There are several people on these forums, both buyers and sellers alike, many of whom have several years' experience of buying and selling on eBay. Therefore if you post your query on here you'll have a much better chance of receiving some replies that actually help you to find a solution to the problem that you do not appear to be able to get past at the moment.
30-09-2024 2:27 PM
Im really sorry just so angry
then the forms not going to help
ive posted on the form with varios posts leading up with NO answers
What can the community do ? toothless ?
I Am as my word ending listing early now and deleting
Never really posted looking for comments more of a final statement
30-09-2024 2:28 PM
look at previous post POINTLESS
better employed sorting boxes for a can boot
30-09-2024 4:01 PM
There is no need to be rude when people are offering to help you. If you treat people like that then when you really do get stuck and are in desperate need of their help the people you have been rude to are less likely to want to help you.
As I said before, if you could explain what the problem is then perhaps you will receive a response that results in a solution to the problem. Just because you didn't get a solution the first time doesn't mean that you won't get a solution if you make a second attempt at explaining what's gone wrong. Somebody may see your post the second time around who didn't see it the first time, and for all you know that person may well have the answer that you have been searching for.
30-09-2024 4:14 PM
Im sorry you take that stance .
If you think that is rude try interactiing in a professional way with ebay and see how you feel about the responce . i did state that this was more of a final statement and not an actual post to be responded too as i said i have spoken to ebay company representatives and they have been much more abrupt and unable unwilling to address my issues
so im happy with standing by any statements i make and can add any depth of background to any EBAY employee that has any interest (Still to find one )
I apologise to anyone who would take offence to the written feelings of a form member in relation to the service received from the actual company
30-09-2024 4:36 PM
@shave.india wrote:
look at previous post POINTLESS
better employed sorting boxes for a can boot
When I was referring to being rude I was referring to the above response, including the shouty capitals and the sarcastic manner of the response.
Having spoken to eBay Customer Service before I know only too well that it can often be a bit of a hit and miss affair as to whether you get somebody who is extremely helpful and who can actually help to resolve the problem, or whether you just get somebody who seems to be behaving obstructively and is offering nothing in the way of any real help whatsoever.
Having said that, however, the people on the eBay Community Forums are not eBay staff and are generally more experienced with regards to buying and selling on the site. Therefore, if you were to explain what the nature of the problem is so that people could read about the matter and see if they could offer some advice you may well find the solution to the problem that's clearly making you so angry.
30-09-2024 4:48 PM
The OP does seem to have had some unsatisfactory dealings with CS recently, but he appears to have been relishing the fight and wallowing in self-pity, rather than genuinely seeking resolutions.
If ending your listings is intended as a signal to eBay that they need to act, it won't work. You are statistically irrelevant to eBay, and probably to the vast majority (if not all) of your buyers.
You would have been better counting to ten, and starting again. Try for a callback from the Irish CS team, who don't hang up on customers, have far superior knowledge, and will actually understand what you are trying to convey. The best time to reach them is in the morning just as they open (8:00 weekdays).
30-09-2024 4:57 PM
hi im doing what im doing to stop myself going backwards and putting myself in debt
Simple as that no pitty no self harm just self preservation
now on contactiong ebay
Is this not who im dealing with
im could get really blunt but . ebay has to address customers not good meaning users that i dont know anything about . Sorry cyber land
ive contacted ebay tried and tried again to get some kind of answer
So going backwards Ie sales not covering listing fees
WHAT else do you suggest rather than stressing out more contacting a company that canot or will not ? answer simple question about money taken from my account
is any sencible person going to do anything else but close up
i know im just nothing to ebay (and thats a bit of the problem ) and closing my account hurts noone but me
im not that wet behind the ears BUT money is money . Just ask the uk goverment .
30-09-2024 5:37 PM
@shave.india wrote:
hi im doing what im doing to stop myself going backwards and putting myself in debt
Simple as that no pitty no self harm just self preservation
now on contactiong ebay
Is this not who im dealing with
In case you do not understand, when you post on the eBay Community Forums you are not speaking to anybody working for eBay. The people who post here are buyers and sellers alike with several years' experience between them of buying and selling on eBay, so if you were to take advantage of that collective experience and explain the nature of the problem, rather than just feeling sorry for yourself, then you may well find the answer to your problem and end up being able to resolve it. However, I'm starting to feel as though I'm wasting my time trying to help you here...
In the event that you change your mind post back with an explanation of the problem and hopefully somebody will be able to provide you with the answer to your problem. However, we cannot help to provide you with some relevant advice if you are not willing to explain what you need help with.
30-09-2024 5:40 PM - edited 30-09-2024 5:41 PM
If any site, in your case eBay, isn't working for you, then you have to try other sites to see what fits.
Otherwise you'll just carry on being annoyed or angered or frustrated at this site - and that's not good for you on a personal level.
30-09-2024 5:46 PM
hi . It was ireland team i had spoken too on the 23rd they advised carry on all good call back within 8 days
girl on phone even espressed it would be her that would call back as she was just starting an 8 day shift .
i called on another issue maybe friday 27th They said Supprised no call back ill ESCALATE it with the team
i was happy to wait the 8 days as so many issues But he escalated it .
called them again today as im now seing a negative balance and they hug up (not ireland team)
so DAMAGE prevension shut up till i get my call within 8 days from the Ireland team
I will wait 23rd and 8 is the 1st . OH coincidence
making sure my phone is charged waiting for the call
30-09-2024 6:12 PM
Hi @shave.india ,
Truly, we do understand the trials and tribulations you and many have , with contacing Customer Services.
You can receive a great agent and have your issue solved instantly, you can unfortunately be connected with someone not experienced, reading from a crib sheet perhaps, or promising you all sorts for call backs, never achieved.
We understand all of the above , they do happen.
What we wish to understand so we can help you, is what Exactly you have come across.
Tell us what is the issue , what is the problem / error you are experiencing as this, is not clear, and we wish to help , but cannot help you further here, if you do not explain what problem you are encountering.
30-09-2024 6:19 PM
As advised, you can get quick and accurate answers to specific questions here in the forum. The Ebay Community Team also respond to questions in here if they are tagged in the thread.
I have had a look at the questions you have asked in here, and had a look at your account.
You asked why you could not send offers to people watching your items.
You can only send offers for fixed price/buy it now sales. All of your items are auctions so you can't send offers to watchers.
You asked why you are being charged 35p to list items.
I have had a look at your completed items (items sold and listed then cancelled.) You have at least 1700 completed items for September. Private sellers get 1000 free listings and then get charged 35p per listing when you have used the 1000 free listings. That applies whether you are listing new items or relisting items manually which have not sold.
30-09-2024 6:26 PM
Hi i appreciate to mail
im happy in the fact that some private seller will understand something anything and take a minute to check there account and fees and act as they see fit for there own circumstances
wast really posting for help but to record a feeling really . due to the lackluster agents and broken promises .
if one person reads and checks and finds out something is wrong then the post has done its job
im sorry if that sound rude in anyway it is not ment to be
maybe imsusing the form but i posted to get people to check whats happening if they are all good its all good But if not
30-09-2024 6:36 PM
hi now we are getting somewhere too late but lol
lets take one by one
You asked why you could not send offers to people watching your items.
You can only send offers for fixed price/buy it now sales. All of your items are auctions so you can't send offers to watchers.
IF this is the case why do i receive offers from auction items im watching ?
You asked why you are being charged 35p to list items.
I have had a look at your completed items (items sold and listed then cancelled.) You have at least 1700 completed items for September. Private sellers get 1000 free listings and then get charged 35p per listing when you have used the 1000 free listings. That applies whether you are listing new items or relisting items manually which have not sold.
this is were you lost me as ive just ended them al so all ive got tops 500 items . some on auto relist some i change then use sell similar to list when they dont sell first second time around . I think this changes things does it not ?
One more question if i accept your answer does that stop people responding ?
thanks neil
yes probally misussing sell similar but thats another issue ?
30-09-2024 6:38 PM
30-09-2024 6:44 PM
I remember answering a few Private messages from you, and hope to be able to answer another question for you, here.
Why you are being charged 35p on some listings ?
If your listings are under a 5 day duration, this is classed as an optional listing upgrade, and will be charged at 35 p listing fee per listing.
All listing fees are non refundable , charged the second the item goes live, and payable sale or no sale.
Lastly, if an answer is accepted, it doesn't close the thread, you or any other responder can still add a question or answer.
Hope the above helps.
30-09-2024 6:57 PM - edited 30-09-2024 6:58 PM
@shave.india wrote:
IF this is the case why do i receive offers from auction items im watching ?
There must be a Buy It Now or Best Offer feature on those auctions.
Sellers can send offers in bulk:
Offers will be sent to the 30 most recent interested buyers (people watching your items or who have added your items to their basket). Each offer is valid for 96 hours or until the listing is sold, whichever comes first. With a single item listing, the first buyer to accept the offer gets the item. With a multiple quantity listing, buyers can continue to avail of the offer until all items in the listing are sold or the offer expires.