31-01-2025 12:30 PM
Christ knows we probably don't need another topic about the changes coming in on February 4, but I've seen some posts saying that auctions already active before Tuesday won't be affected, yet no post from eBay stating this.
So is there a categoric statement from eBay on this?
I was going to ask too about payments and GSP items, but now see that payment will be released once they reach the hub, which is good to hear.
31-01-2025 1:08 PM
The Buyer Protection fee will be automatically added to all existing Buy It Now listings on a private seller account (excluding Cars, Motorcycle & Vehicles, Classified Ads, and Property) on 4th February including relisted listings and to any auctions which are submitted on or after February 4.
31-01-2025 1:26 PM
Have you got a link to somewhere on eBay (i.e. not on this forum) where this is stated?
31-01-2025 1:29 PM
@jjambadger27 wrote:
Have you got a link to somewhere on eBay (i.e. not on this forum) where this is stated?
Nope, only told this by eBay.
In the great scheme of things, as an auction can only be set up for a maximum of 10 days, does it really matter?
31-01-2025 1:29 PM
No it is on th weekly chat
Hi moldosgifts, thanks for your patience on this.
It will work the way I said, if the bidding process starts before the 4th of February, the listing won't be impacted by the changes, so it will be handled/processed in the old/current way. If the bidding process starts after the changes take effect, then yes, the listing will be impacted by the changes.
Thank you,
31-01-2025 1:31 PM
That is auction only not buy it now.
31-01-2025 1:34 PM
Of course it matters - I wouldn't be asking otherwise.
A bit ridiculous that eBay can't have a categoric statement about this on their site.
31-01-2025 1:38 PM
@jjambadger27 wrote:
Of course it matters - I wouldn't be asking otherwise.
A bit ridiculous that eBay can't have a categoric statement about this on their site.
Looks like they've made one, scroll up to @moldosgifts posts.
31-01-2025 1:57 PM
Its in this weeks comminity chat
Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 29.01.25... - UK eBay Community
Last post i got the reply from, Marco
31-01-2025 4:37 PM
So it all depends as to whether an existing auction has bids or not by Feb 4, then...
31-01-2025 5:06 PM
So everything that is sold as a buy it now purchase will go up immediately next week?
That's disappointing, I would have listed a few last things this weekend but there doesn't seem to be much point now.