Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

I've noticed today while trying to list an item that the simple delivery for what would be a medium parcel (6.65 RM 48) starts upwards of £10 (and they can choose between Evri and RM). 


I can still choose the classical way, but if they remove it, this would make it a hidden extra fee on top of the buyer protection/selling fee, in my opinion at least.

I mean, who wants to 10.5 to Evri/Hermes for a gamble on "we're sorry we've missed you (since we never actually came by)" perpetual check?

Message 1 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

You can turn ONE delivery service off. I opted to keep RM.

Message 2 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

with the proviso that e bay can change it when it suits them!  No thanks, no SD for me.

Message 3 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

I haven't checked the settings, you're saying you can default to regular (old school) shipping? Right now I'm having to keep switching to classic mode, re-adding RM Tracked 48, re-adding the price 🙂 sheeesh

Message 4 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

That’s because the weight options are up to 1, 1-2 and then jumps to up to 15kg

RM deliver up to 5kg for 6.65 I think

theres no 5kg option on simple delivery 



ridiculous IMHO 


Message 5 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

Indeed, just noticed that. But how many people do notice. Probably, statistically, there is less downside than upside on doing it this way, in terms of how they thought it through.

At the very best, this is a flawed feature. At the worst, it is deliberate. 

Message 6 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

Buyers might notice and think *bleep* and not buy


if they’re deliberately doing it which I doubt they’ll be making £4 or so off every order in the 6.65 range

Royal Mail and them will be happy 

going to ask a customer services person tomorrow about this cos it’s sloppy 

like vinted they’ve tried to create a system to accommodate two different systems and didn’t manage it

ie a courier Co might have no difference price wise between 5and 15kg

RM do

Message 7 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

Any dates when SD becomes mandatory ??



Message 8 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

I noticed this earlier when listing. I send as a small parcel tracked 48 which costs the buyer £3.39. Simple delivery for the same thing is £4.47. 


Another money making scheme for Ebay? Simple!

Message 9 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

Greedy gits

if not what’s the actual problem ebay?

Message 10 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

Did anyone really believe that ebay wouldn't do this?

Some assumed that ebay's revenue stream would come from a discount negotiated with the delivery companies.

But being cynical it's obvious that as soon as SD is made mandatory ebay would never pass up the opportunity to skim cash from both sides of the transaction.  That's the whole point of it being made compulsory.

Message 11 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

As long as I can buy a label off RM myself and attach the tracking to the order, it should be fine. I usually went with the automated system for a tiny hope of extra protection in case of some buyer abuse (claims), which turned out to be false hope (you can check my previous topic).

As far as Evri goes, I would rather not (and DO NOT) buy from a store that uses only that, I've had too many incidents of absolute rubbish levels of incompetence from Hermes in the past and Everi once since the rebrand. Obviously the same people run (and work for) it. My sanity is, as I've found out, far more important to me than a better price.

Message 12 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

They have missed out the 10kg goes from 2kg to 15kg totally ridiculous talking about RM that's all i can use, opting out but have been looking at the mess that it is

Message 13 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

I should also have said that if ebay's started bumping up the prices the fateful day can't be far off.   I've just been reading a post by a stamp seller  --  Item sold for £1.25 + BPF + SD label £2.80  = buyer paid £4.72.  

The sellers normal postage would have been £0.82 RM 2nd Class.



A big thank you for your kudos, ebay  just messaged their congrats. on my nice new badge for receiving my 10,000th🍾 🎆

I'm so thrilled!!!!

Message 14 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

Wrong sorry from 2kg to 10kg missed out the 5 kg

Message 15 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

This is because we are opting out of one of the 2 = RM and Evri they have said that they will charge more unless we allow both and it will put the buyer off buying from us nice isn't it i have no choice but to only use RM and there's no way i will allow my decent regular or any buyer to be ripped off like this

Message 16 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

I think ultimately Ebay dont want private sellers anymore. Maybe this reporting to HMRC is too much hassle for them. So they bring in the buyers protection (racket) and (not so) simple delivery to put sellers off. There is also a bit in their user agreement:-


  • to drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer;

What?? how is hiding some listings a positive user experience? 


Oh I remember now - you can pay to promote your items.



Message 17 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

Yes, my 50 ish items listed last year were not promoted =  I sold only 4.


If it's true that ebay will bump up buyer's postage cost because I'm not going to allow evri the chance to smash/loose/ deliver to the wrong address any of my vintage glass, I won't be listing in the future.


It's plain to see I'm not wanted and won't be until I pay fees to sell  --  so much for Free to Sell.

Message 18 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

'.... because I'm not going to allow evri the chance to smash/loose/ deliver to the wrong address any of my vintage glass.....'



I tried a little experiment yesterday by re-listing a side mirror off my old van.


(Rather obviously it's  a 'mirrored item'!   and as such, it, along with a whole host of other items, is on the restricted or exclusion list for loss or damage in the post. )


Ebay tell us 'if you use the Simple Delivery system; agreeing to those terms and policies and the relevant carrier terms, your item will be covered in the event of loss or damage in the post.....


I was rather hoping that things on the exclusion list would be barred from using Simple Delivery.

It wasn't.

*And* when I tried to go into 'advanced or custom postage' options a big banner popped up saying 'Simple Delivery is Recommended for this item, ....get full protection from ebay if your item is lost or damaged in transit'.


Which, for an 'excluded' item, is a lie.


At the moment I could wriggle round the SD bullsh** and pick an insured delivery service (not for a grotty old van mirror obvs! but a lovely bit of glassware is on the same exclusion lists)


A month or two ago I thought there'd be 1 of 3 answers to the excusion list question when SD was compulsory:


1.  Excluded categories matching the exclusion lists.        ----     Well it's not that one.

2. Ebay having much better insurance deals with carriers  and pay for breakages ---- Doesn't look like that one either- we have to comply with the carriers terms.

3. Ebay force private sellers to send with the service buyers have chosen (insured or otherwise) and sellers suck up the results.---------- starting to look like this one.   oh good.







Message 19 of 24
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Re: Simple delivery costs considerabily more than the proper service

From years of reading these boards I've come to the conclusion that NONE of the usual, commonly used delivery companies will compensate for broken glass or ceramic items, although some might for the parcel going missing.


There is the possibility that some specialist companies will compensate but at a suitably high cost for the risk involved.  Do I think I'm going to sell my vintage vase for £25 with £50 (?) delivery charge?  🤣


So from what you say, SD from my point of view is a total rip-off.


Ebay takes the over-priced delivery fee.

I take the risk of sending by whatever cowboy contractor that ebay gets the most discount from

Ebay washes it's hands when cowboy smashes item despite claiming that I'm covered for loss or damage.


If that's the case then ebay has just made itself redundant.


Please see my extensive range of beautiful classic Art Deco glassware on eb*d.  No s*dd*ng about with a broken search -- just type what you want into the Search Box, the search will find it if it's there.  No Silly Delivery, purchases will be sent by RM 2nd Class, reasonably cheap - reasonably speedy - Tried & Tested for over a decade with 100% perfect results and no greedy site inflating your costs.


You know it makes sense   --   You know ebay doesn't any more.

Message 20 of 24
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