02-10-2024 10:31 AM
I'm sorry if this question has already been asked in the extensive conversations about the new free listings.
I'm wondering if there is any charge to list items that have the Global Shipping Programme box ticked if you are a private seller and using one of your free listings per month?
I've been reading this page:
Fees for private sellers | eBay
and under the heading "International site visibility" it states that there is a charge of £0.30p for fixed price listings, is this different from offering postage using the global shipping programme?
Many thanks.
03-10-2024 11:15 AM
Please would you let us know if you get any help with CS?
21-10-2024 5:47 PM
hi there did you get more clarification on the international sales question? I have listed higher priced items with gsp to certain countries..... so this counts as international visibility or is there a button that I must press for this opion to be on/off ?