01-12-2024 10:43 AM
Hi I live in Somerset and I was wondering whether anyone has ever used a lister to list their items for sale. I have way too much to list but I don't have the time to do it. If so how does it work. Many thanks. Lorna
01-12-2024 10:49 AM
That service was dropped some years back.A few high street vendors tried to do same thing but i don't know of any that exist now.
01-12-2024 11:37 AM
The Trading Assistant programme ceased a good while back.
There are a couple of online companies that will list items on your behalf, but they must have a value of at least £50 each item and you'll need to get them there, they also obviously take a commission.
01-12-2024 7:13 PM
At one time, being a lister was heralded as a way to WFH and make money.
However, once the seller had paid for the service (listing, photography, packing, postage etc.) and paid eBay fees, I think there was little cash left over for the seller.