10-02-2025 3:23 PM
Has anyone else noticed lack of sales since the buyer protection update 4th february 2025. I used to sell quite a lot and virtually sold nothing since 4th Feb. Can anyone else relate to this and what can we do?
08-03-2025 8:52 PM
08-03-2025 8:59 PM
You can use a computer for Vinted Listing.
But sadly the platform is very Noddy. You can't have postage over 2KG which limits everything apart from toys and garments. Even some garments weigh more than 2kg so it's very limited.
I have bought quite a few items on there in the last few weeks mind.
08-03-2025 9:10 PM
09-03-2025 9:01 PM
You know on Monty Python Life of Brian when they stone that man for saying 'Jehovah' - well I got a reply from some busy-body saying they'd edited my reply for using the word 'Vinted' - sorry I've said Vinted again.
Anyway, yes, Ebay is copying Vinted in its approach to private sales. Sorry I said Vinted again.
09-03-2025 9:05 PM
09-03-2025 9:16 PM
09-03-2025 9:55 PM
ebay is trying to move to a model where business sellers have the correct accounts. They have seen an opportunity to make money on the back of this. I don't agree with their methods as they have managed to upset genuine private sellers and buyers while trying to make life awkward for those not correctly registered.
ebay needs genuine private sellers who bring interest, variety and buyers to the site.
09-03-2025 10:21 PM
just visit the vinted website, ,,,, but I am not impressed by it at all.
Ebay was the only credible option for my disposals/
Personaly I think they could have made this all work..
Free listing for private sellers should have increased diversity in the market encouraging a bloom in genuine "individual" listings , bolstering a market not full of 500 sellers all touting the same widget.
To do that moving the fees to sales rather than listings could have worked but they hit to hard at the margins on low value items.
The allowance for hundreds of listings for private sellers has alaways be absurd, but not providing a bridge from private to micro business selling is a failing that has just caused forums to be full of back biting and arguments.
Buyers are sick of multi price listings where 99p get's a headline price tag until you realise its a 5cm sample. It's tiring to finde he best deal Strangely this means I now pat x% more to just go to a UK seller and be done with it, so hey that's good
25 years ago it was a thrill to sell on ebay , now it's a chore and for that reason I have been considering it very much over the last year. Time is worth more to do other things
10-03-2025 7:09 AM
sales completely stopped I cannot understand as I have regular buyers .A real worry as I have lots of stock .
10-03-2025 8:02 AM
10-03-2025 8:16 AM
Not a criticism but I'm not sure how they'd go about bundles with their listings.
They seem to have a very eclectic collection.
I don't know their markets but they may have to reduce prices, or try listing elsewhere.
10-03-2025 8:19 AM
10-03-2025 8:25 AM
10-03-2025 8:40 AM
For what it is worth I have sold next to nothing since the 4th February, which means a resounding 'yes'to your question of whether there has been any marked decrease in sales. If this continues I will have to give serious consideration to jacking things in! This will be done with a heavy heart, seeing that I have traded on ebay for more than 20 years with an unblemished feedback record!
At the risk of asking an naïve question, why does 'ebay' consider it necessary to discriminate against private sellers?
10-03-2025 8:45 AM
Because they weren't earning as much from them.
Loads here will tell you it's a proxy system to flush the fake private sellers, but that's just idealistic thinking.
If they wanted to do that it would be easy for them. So many signals that are easy to watch/program for.
So it's just money, nothing more.
But they've chosen a truly messed up way to go about it.
10-03-2025 8:49 AM
I am all for signing a petition! Whilst I am not against sounding off on threads like this, I question whether those in authority ever read anything that is posted here!
If you have a grievance, it needs to be expressed in a more direct way, so that those who impose things end up getting the real picture of how people really feel!
10-03-2025 8:57 AM - edited 10-03-2025 8:57 AM
I am all for signing a petition! Whilst I am not against sounding off on threads like this, I question whether those in authority ever read anything that is posted here!
There are at least 2 examples I've seen where they do reply here, without being called and it looked like their legal department both times. So it's safe to assume someone is reading/flagging anything of note.
& a petition isn't a bad idea. At least one user already did one, but they made it more emotional than factual so many didn't sign it, myself included.
Personally I believe our best route forward is via Trading Standards, specifically regarding the BPF. How it works in terms of pricing, how it interacts with other systems already in play, such as the MBG and straight out question it's legality.
10-03-2025 9:08 AM
Lol......BEST POST on here in ages.......Cheers.
10-03-2025 9:21 AM
I wasn’t at all impressed with the V site. Had some serious privacy issues on the launch of Pro, prices weren’t very appealing either.
However a little bit of research and playing about and the listing process is like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the endless specifics and hoop jumping I’ve become used to here.
Ridiculously simple.
Think it’s worth having a go for low value personal items.
10-03-2025 9:25 AM
as a private buyer i do not have a 'slow' or 'busy' month, either someone wants my casts off or they do not!